OK Tony. I would have suspected the comma decimal versus the North American period decimal separator would have sorted themselves out. Evidently not.
Very good detective work. So changing the decimal value input from a , to a . fixed it?
And yes, the GPS first has to have a 'fix' before it will provide a value for currentlatitude1.text and currentlongitude1.text . The coding could be fixed to check for a value in both of those before doing the calculation or you could set each to a dummy value when you initialize the screen. In the Screen1.Initialize block, put the following:
set currentlatitude1.text to 1
set currentlongitude1.text to 1 or another value close to your latitude/longitude and it should help to fix the issue regarding waiting for the GPS to get the fix. The example code, evidently does not tell users to do that I assume. However, it is good error avoidance coding.
-- Steve