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Run Time Error issue at MIT APP INVENTOR 2!!!! Need Help!!! (Photos included)

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Gun Young Lee

May 13, 2019, 9:18:52 AM5/13/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi, currently we're trying to get string from arduino(which is using4.0 bluetooth) to smartphone via MIT App Inventor

Our current code is prob1.JPG and basic screen is prob2.JPG

Here's a thing.

When we try to send data to the smartphone it seems that characters in the string exceeds the string limit(I'm just guesssing)

Then prob3.JPG error occurs.

Is there anything i can do to not make this error??

PS. Text length that we want to send to smartphone is 12bytes maximum.

Chris Ward

May 13, 2019, 10:07:36 AM5/13/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello Gun

We need to see your Arduino Sketch (.ino file please, not an image).

The error occurs because the string received is not long enough for it to be split the way your code wishes to split it.

The longest string you can send depends on Bluetooth, about 32 bytes 
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