Suppose you want to inform the user that the action he started may take some minutes !... When the code is executed The first message (on the title bar in this example) Must be shown before the begin of the loop execution !
If you try the code, you can see that the two messages are displayed at the same time, at the end of the loop..
Is someone with a solution for this question ? Thank you for your help !!
When a block execution e a bit long, all the display are executed at the end of th execution of the block.
The notifier will stop things until someone clicks the button and then goes on.
Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets and Tutorials from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Another note is the display mode for the notifier "show alert". The messages are sent to the screen as some old compilers done (I think Algol for exmple) with a stack. The first message to be displayed is the last invoqued (as if is token from the top of the stack (LIFO)).
It a bit surprizing for somone who think the queue management as FIFO. If you want to trace some activity in a loop, the info you get are shown to you in the reverse order than the execution order... But once we know this it's not realy a problem !