text ReceiveText(number numberOfBytes)
the last else, the one with the label crapdata it is essential? You can remove? If I do I do?
Thank you very much for your availability. If you can to please the final part of the app name will ABG :)
I'd like to save the data with the TinyDB tool and create a graph to show the trend of temperature, pressure etc etc.Do you know if it is a possible thing, and if there is any tutorial?
I do not understand the rest of your questions. You want to save the data of ten days?? Not possible with the setup you have now. You are sending data from the Arduino every 5 seconds, that would be 12x60x24x10 = 172800 readings in10 days, times 3 for all data. Actually, your phone could probably handle this amount of data, but how are you going to draw it? What do you want to use it for?
Cheers, Ghica