Trying to push the limits of App Inventor!
Tutorials and
Extensions from
Pura Vida Apps by
to select different parts of the picture
Great job.
@Boz : You are welcome. I hope you learned how it works.
The reason why I used lines to draw the big pixels instead of actual pixels, it's because when using lines, you can modify the procedure to add vertical and horizontal size of the pixelation output. If you have a time, and learned how it works, think about implementing that.
Your image for a color picker doesn't have white, black or grays. Search the forum for "A better color picker". You will get the aia this time, it's in the App Inventor Gallery.
All the other features you want to add to your project are perfectly doable. Keep going and let us know how it's coming.
Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets and Tutorials from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Tools palette? Where is it?