Hi Tim
WOW - that drawgauge.aia is awesome!!
I have no idea though how you found/calculated the X,Y values (for example where you placed the 0 and 100 labels). Can you elaborate on that a little?
Also can't figure out how to create a reliable "point needle to X on dial"!!
For example, move point to 0 then 25 them 50 then 75 then 100.
Can you maybe explain that...?
I REALLY want to use this - shows GREAT potential (versus my current HTML/webviewer alternative).
So need you to teach/show me the basics here.
Haven't looked at the clock yet - will do so in a bit.
I can't use a simple line for a pointer/needle - not acceptable from am aesthetic point of view (your pointer in drawgauge.aia is perfect though - just need to leasrn how to move it! :) )