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Charles Schwedes

Jun 4, 2018, 12:47:23 PM6/4/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I don't seem able to control the + and - button. Why? Thanks, Charles


Jun 4, 2018, 5:17:50 PM6/4/18
The Documentation indicates

Shows or hides the Android native zoom buttons to allow the user to zoom the Map in or out. This can be used in place of the two-finger pinch-to-zoom gesture.

ShowZoom set to true shows the zoom buttons BUT apparently, the  -  and + are not activated with a touch.  This appears to be a BUG.

Until this is fixed (if it is really a bug)  you can use pinch and expand gestures to zoom in and zoom out.

Perhaps I spoke too soon.   This works on my emulator but not on my tablet.  See attachment.   Tablet is a Samsung Tab2  (7") with Android 4.2.2

-- Steve


Charles Schwedes

Jun 4, 2018, 8:59:17 PM6/4/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Thanks for the demo. It work fine as long as I kept Maps in automatic height/width. As soon as I expanded the screen, it stopped +ing and -ing. Strange Charles

Evan Patton

Jun 5, 2018, 12:17:32 PM6/5/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
This appears to be an interaction between the built-in Android zoom controls and the scale layout we use for handling Fixed mode. On a device with medium display density (which is what Fixed mode emulates), everything works fine because the touch coordinate system and the drawing coordinate system are the same. However, if they are mismatched, then the touch controls are placed in one part of the screen but expect touch events in a different part of the screen. Switching from Fixed to Responsive made it work on a high density tablet display, even when varying the map width/height. I have filed this as issue #1250.


Charles Schwedes

Jun 5, 2018, 12:34:58 PM6/5/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum

Thank you for answering my question. I'll look forward to MIT's response in due course. Examples of how to use the Maps Features would be appreciated, if available. Thanks, Charles


Jun 5, 2018, 2:07:21 PM6/5/18
@ Evan

Changing the Sizing from Fixed to Responsive indeed allows the Tablet to respond properly.  While addressing  issue #1250 or perhaps before you put it in the to do list, you might modify the Documentation 
reflect the temporary fix of using Responsive Sizing.  

Shows or hides the Android native zoom buttons to allow the user to zoom the Map in or out. This can be used in place of the two-finger pinch-to-zoom gesture. Set screen Sizing to Responsive.

@ Charles

You might find what you are looking for in this haystack of Forum posts  about the MIT Map component.!searchin/mitappinventortest/%22mit$20map%22%7Csort:date  .  

What have you tried regarding Map Features and what do you want to do?   There might be an example in the above haysatck or something similar.  Use the Map Features in a way similar to used for using other components in the Map family  as described in this MIT tutorial  .  Feature Collection (if that is what you expect to work with) is described here 
You will need to experiment unless someone develops a tutorial.  This Forum discussion provides examples (not a tutorial) of using Features!searchin/mitappinventortest/%22mit$20map%22%7Csort:date/mitappinventortest/-7b8x3W1Nc4/uWDhJPHMBQAJ  

Is this what you wanted to know?


Evan Patton

Jun 6, 2018, 5:05:11 PM6/6/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi Steve,

I've noted the proposed change to the documentation internally. We will aim to have a fix for the bug in the next companion release.

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