I have a csv file that includes name, gender, class, account, password and course fields. First, read the csv file, then turn it to a list, and store data to TinyWebDB. If you click the button "Read WebDB and Display", it will read TinyWebDb and display the value. I use 2 csv files to test the app. The test_10.csv file has 10 items, and it runs totally correctly, the label3.text shows all items. The test_full.csv file has about 900 items, after clicking the button "Read WebDB and Display", the label3.txt shows nothing. What is the probable problem? video
Screen Initialize:

Turn csv file to list, delete the first and last brackets

Clicking btnInitialize "Set Data Format":

Clicking "Read WebDB and Display"

But when I just change file test_10.csv to test_full, the last step cannot fulfill, the label3.txt shows nothing.

Here is a video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8J1AltYGH0MdnlMQnc4dWdwOHc to show the app running.
I have also upload the .aia file.