I'm using the Pura Vida quiz as my frameworks for multiple choice quiz and functionally, it is working great. Text formatting is my next concern and I have two issues:
1) Some of my multiple choice "answers" are actually short sentences. How can I "wrap" a short sentence on two lines on a button? I know that "TextBox" will support MultiLine, but can I do this with a button somehow? Right now, my buttons will run off the screen if there are too many words. (The buttons are the same color as the background, so the user appears to just click on the text of the right answer. So a button that is shaped taller or different than the others doesn't really affect the look and feel of the quiz.)
2) Text fed from lists are dumped into labels. Sometimes this text is cut off in the right-hand margins (1/2 inch) of my screen (Galaxy S4), but sometimes text is legibly all the way to the edge. Text usually wraps properly when the passage is a short paragraph, but the right-hand side of the screen behaves oddly. It is almost like there's a white box that covers up the right side of the screen at times, but this symptom comes and goes. It doesn't happen with every question in the quiz, just some of them. Very odd and inconsistent.
Should I try to change this from a label to a TextBox? Right now, I'm just following the Pura Vida Quiz format (with my own additional features here and there), but I'm willing to make changes and having fun.
Everyone in this forum has been super helpful. I really appreciate the crowd here. Great group of folks.