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Dec 25, 2013, 3:23:22 PM12/25/13
<u> Hi, </u>
I dont speak english, then I dont understand how to use the clock right.
Before I used app inventor, I used similar tools (like scratch and more...), and in this Tools There are three types of using the clock:
(something, two seconds -for example:)
1. do something every two seconds.
2. do something after two seconds.
3. do something for two seconds.
I found just the first kind:
the block: "when clock timer" connects with: "another block" (call, set and more...).
when clock timer= every two seconds,
another block=do something.
please help me to understand the second and the third (try to write like me).
thank, noam.

Hal Abelson

Dec 26, 2013, 11:38:05 AM12/26/13
If you want to do X after two seconds, start a timer to fire in two seconds.    When the timer clicks, make the timer inactive and then do X.

Similarly, if you want to do X for two seconds, set a timer to fire after two seconds and stop X.

AppInventor does not have a simple "wait command".    It's something we're thinking about.
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