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Gisèlle Mraihi

May 12, 2019, 8:33:15 PM5/12/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Bonsoir, vu que je suis débutante en programmation des application android . j'ai besoin d'aides afin de connaitre comment recevoir des données de ma carte stm32 en utilisant un capteur bluetooth hc-05 et merci bien .

Chris Ward

May 12, 2019, 9:21:09 PM5/12/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Bonjour Gisèlle

As I understand it, there are similarities between STM32 microcontrollers and Arduino microcontrollers in terms of programming them (C code). The HC-05 should work with "Classic" Bluetooth, typically v2.x + EDR.

There are many App Inventor examples using Classic Bluetooth, just search this forum :)

My website has links on various Microcontrollers and Bluetooth - it's important to know what the various versions of Bluetooth can and cannot do.  Arduino, other Microcontrollers and Related Subjects (good general information about STM32 boards)

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