Ok, as you know there is a block "call BluetoothLE1.SupportedServices" which will provide a list of all the services available.
For access to these type of services I scan through the list to find a match for the 0x180A, for example, and then save the index number within the list.
Then you can use the block "call BluetoothLE1.ServiceByIndex" using the saved index number. This will return the unique ID for that service which you can then use to access this service.
Now that you have the UUID you can do something similar for Characteristics.
As before use "call BluetoothLE1.GetCharactertisticsForService".
Then you can search through this list to find the right one.
So if you open up the XML page as found in the Bluetooth specifications you will see the following:
Note: Some are mandatory and some would be optional - look inside the XML defined characteristic for "Requirement"
1. Manufacturer Name String
2. Model Number String
3. Serial Number String
4. Hardware Revision String
5. Firmware Revision String
6. Software Revision String
7. System ID
8. IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List
9. PnP ID
For each characteristic there is a defined data structure - that is given to you in the XML. You would need to search through the Bluetooth website to find the relevant XML page.
Also if you look at the characteristic it defines which properties applies. So some would have a mandatory READ property for example and have WRITE excluded. Then some allow for Notify or Indicate properties etc.
Hope that helps