No connection/problems with MIT-website

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Oct 17, 2015, 8:03:58 AM10/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello all,

ever since the new release the website MIT Appinventor works very slow (but atleast it was working).
Now however I can't get a working connection: the website loads the list of my projects and, after a couple of minutes, it sometimes loads the beginning of the project
I was working with.
After that there are several messages that the browser (or website) doesn't respond (Page doesn't respond)
Then I get, in Chrome but also in Firefox, a message that there was something wrong with the connection to the website and the connection is lost.

I have had it for several days now.
Someone a solution ?
Would be much appreciated, I can't finish my project.




Oct 17, 2015, 8:41:56 AM10/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Try just clicking on the Projects  menu item ... your Project should load Peter.    Do you have a lot of Projects that you have saved on the MIT server?  If you have a lot, sometimes the screen loads very slowly.   Clicking on Projects might get a project to load.

Does that help?   If not, the issue could be your Internet connection is working slowly or you have perhaps a plug in on your browser blocking ads ?  You may have to disable a plug in.      This could be something else, however others are not reporting issues so I expect a possible problem on your end or high Internet traffic in your region.

Try clicking Projects; tell us what happens.   We will monitor the situation; this might be a regional issue...I see not problems with the server here.



Oct 17, 2015, 5:53:23 PM10/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello Steve
thank you for your answer and the attention for my problems.

First I clicked at some projects and tried to delete them: the screen says "deleting" but after some time I got an error saying the connection is gone.
The projects are not deleted after starting all over.

I stopped some add-ons in Chrome (Avira virusblocker among them) and the project seems to load. It loads the first screen until the images should be loaded. Then Chrome stops and in Dutch Chrome says "Page doesn't react".
Then I get a grey Chrome-screen saying (translated): Sorry. Something went wrong etc......  Maybe you should close some apps and tabs to free memory.....

But I still can't get into my project.


Oct 17, 2015, 6:28:39 PM10/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
OK.   Perhaps part of the issue is Avira ( see problems other users have had with Avira here!searchin/mitappinventortest/avira  ).  It is a terrible idea to run on the Internet without a virus program...we do not recommend turning off virus blockers.     You might try using a different virus checker ... perhaps the free version of AVG ?    You already tried Firefox, but FF without Avira?

Some of your error messages might be telling ... do you have a lot of screens open, are streaming music etc. If so, try without the clutter.    A good think to do might be clear the cache on your is possible the browser is incorrectly 'remembering' pages that confuse AI2.

Perhaps someone else will have more ideas.   



Oct 18, 2015, 10:40:38 AM10/18/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I use 2 different computers to work with same AI2-projects under the same name.
I have Avira running on one of them and another virusprogram(ESET) on the other one.
On both computers the website MIT App Inventor 2 loads very slow, sometimes even displays the first screen of the app, and it shows the message "page doesn't react" and asks if you want to wait. So I always wait until the final crash and then I can "Load again" or "Give feedback".
Maybe it has something to do with loading images for the background and the buttons.

Until a couple of days ago I could still work on the project, be it very slow (changing the code took minutes to see the effect) , but now I can't do anything. I have an ".aia'-file but it gives compatibility problems when I try to load it in AI2-Offline.

My internet-connection isn't slow with all the other activities.

Would appreciate it when someone has a solution.



Ismael Acien

Oct 19, 2015, 1:18:12 PM10/19/15
Mismo problema desde hoy a las 18.00 hora España. Saludos.

Añado que empezó al cambiar de Fijo a Responsive Screen.


Oct 22, 2015, 1:01:48 PM10/22/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I have nearly the same problem since 2 days now. I am not able to load any peoject, except one. This one does load very long, but it does load.

I made some checkpoints days ago and also backuped the aia foiles of the project.

I am not able to load any of them. Tryed it on 3 different PC with different browwers always ends up with the above error from Peter


Oct 23, 2015, 4:45:19 AM10/23/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Problem still exists.
Unable to work on my app for quite some time now.
I did have some apps (the early versions) under another name, but that also doesn't work anymore.



Oct 23, 2015, 8:40:17 AM10/23/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
We do not know exactly what this specific issue is at the moment  .. there appears to be three users  ... one in Spain another in Germany + possibly another.
I asked MIT to look at your accounts to see if there is an issue on MITs end.        The large majority of users, including myself, are not experiencing this problem.

Please be patient while MIT looks at this.



Oct 28, 2015, 5:39:32 AM10/28/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Problem still exists.
Loading (very slow, with a lot of "page doesn't react"-warnings) brings Screen1 of the application. But after some time again "something went wrong...etc".

I think waiting untill a solution with a new version is my only option.

Thank you Steve.



Oct 28, 2015, 10:12:54 AM10/28/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
@ Peter ... sorry you have not found a solution.  "Loading (very slow, with a lot of "page doesn't react"-warnings) " indicates the issue you are having is most probably in your Project code or issues with your Internet connection speed.

Your project is probably very large, has lots of blocks, perhaps lots of screens and layout; perhaps large image or sound files.   You have not posted an aia or images of your blocks so no one can say for sure why you are having so much trouble while the majority of users are not.  Most probably, "I think waiting untill a solution with a new version is my only option." is not going to work.   A new version of AI2 will probably not cure your difficulties. MIT will not return to version 144 of App Inventor.

Here is a huge list of things a developer might check to improve performance  I imagine one or more of the following  issues possibly applies to your code (all may not apply to your code):

You might be able to use one of the third-party versions of App Inventor that MIT does not support to ameliorate your issues.  This approach might work for you if you were happy with the older version of MIT App Inventor.  You might query Hossein with respect to his third party AliveComplete.  There is a free have to run the server on your computer..what you would want is to find out if he has a version of AliveComplete that runs on version 1.44.    If he has one, get it and use it to develop.
Using this solution:    you probably would never be able to use MIT App Inventor on the Cloud again with your existing code;
                                you would never get updates that make AI2 more exciting for other devices but have to rely on the third party to incorporate those features
                                you could probably update your existing apps using the tools available to that AI2 version (see below) and they should run on at least some of your devices. I do not                                        know,  you would have to try.

Continuing to use MIT AI2 would be like like riding down a country road to the freeway (live with the bumps to get to the pavement), using an old version of AliveComplete would be like riding down a country road that ends in a swamp but stop short of the bog and you might be happy.

There appear to be older versions of AliveComplete here      

To get out of your mire, you could try an older version of AliveComplete (learn to use it) and might get some JOY.    You could post an aia of an example your Project and someone might look at it.   You can also start the painful process of modifying all your app and layouts as might be necessary to work with AI2 version 1.46+



Oct 29, 2015, 11:04:14 AM10/29/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello Steve,

I am "on the road again", to put it in your words.
I realised that I had a lot of red warnings, due to the fact that I was adapting the screens to "responsive". Before, in the old versions, I did some things with routines to make it work on various screens. Although I "disabled" them (I didn't delete them at first because I could use some of it, I thought), the red warnings from that routines stayed visible at the left-down corner. I thought I could delete the errors later on.

Now I deleted all the new apps and started all over (loosing a lot of work), and it works.

Thank you for the remarks.


Ismael Acien

Oct 29, 2015, 11:38:26 AM10/29/15
Hola de nuevo, ya he solucionado el problema gracias a utilizar para entrar una ipad, y el tiempo suficiente para revertir los cambios que hice de Fijo a Responsive Screen. Ahora en Fijo, entro en mi ordenador sin problemas y he saldado el proyecto. De momento no vuelvo a intentar el cambio a Responsive. Saludos.
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