Feature rquest- Need an RSS reader extension

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Saurabh Gayali

Aug 27, 2019, 3:03:12 AM8/27/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Have many existing rss feeds from various sources.
Couldnt understand how to display.
It would be nice if there could be an extensino who just taks rss feeds like in case of appyet.


Aug 27, 2019, 7:32:13 AM8/27/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
There is an example of how to do this with blocks here:


Aug 27, 2019, 8:44:33 AM8/27/19
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com

both of these discussions provide aia file examples.


Saurabh Gayali

Aug 28, 2019, 1:39:24 AM8/28/19
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com

I hope you understand difference between RSS feed app and RSS feed extension.
Kindly look at my app generated through appyet.
and look for apk file 
10acddae-15c9-484b-aade-f6881f998c60-com_bioRxiv_feed . apk

Its an app which have multiple rss feeds selectable in the menu. In the settings you can also add rss feeds from within apk to generate Menu.
This is the reason I am asking RSS feed as an extension instead of the complete app.
The complete app supports 1 rss feed. Such apps support multiple rss feed either in the code or through external rss mixers like rssmix.com, whichever is the case, output is union of the feeds which i don't want.

I need that user can select which rss feed to watch in the menu and creator can specify the Menu title for every RSS feed.
Here is another app in amazon appstore (You need to have amazon appstore installed in order to install this)
Kindly see the screenshot attached to it.


Aug 28, 2019, 3:07:10 AM8/28/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Please remove your link to your apk file. These are not allowed on the forum.

The explanation of your app is somewhat confusing, it either presents many rss feeds or one? Which is it?

I don't understand how an rss extension will help you, if you can already do things with blocks alone ?

For your information, MIT are working on a solution for an old bug with the xmlDecoder, which may make life easier once fixed.

Saurabh Gayali

Aug 28, 2019, 5:11:47 AM8/28/19
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com
ok. Will do that.
If you look at amazon appstore link, you will see screenshots, where every menu item represent one feed. Clicking on it changes content from that feed.
THe existing solution for rss feed, The blocks are humungous.
More than that. It makes it possible to display only one feed and limited numbers of items from the feed.
Features are thus limited and even for scratch, the project becomes nerdy with mutiple rss feeds.

An extension will enable to achieve multiple feeds with the option to choose fro menu, all created by the extension.
You cannot discard possibility for a complex block just because simpler blocks are available
for example this csv to json  extension.
I am sure, this does nothing that existing blocks could not do, but It smothen up the process for non coders.


Aug 28, 2019, 7:30:22 AM8/28/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
You need to remove the link - not just the hyperlink!

There is nothing stopping you developing this extension :)


Aug 28, 2019, 8:26:56 AM8/28/19
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com
You desire the "user can select which rss feed to watch in the menu and creator can specify the Menu title for every RSS feed", not just a single feed.   You can do that by modifying the blocks in the example aia's that only allow a single feed; you do not need an extension.

It could look like this:


Here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools and create an app that can use multiple RSS feeds.  You will need a ListPicker for the MENU, If..then else statements to actually activate each feed and possibly a place where the user can specify a specific feed.  If you want the custom features saved, use a TinyDB.

  A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook   http://www.appinventor.org/book2 ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page.  The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.

There is a free programming course here http://www.appinventor.org/content/CourseInABox/Intro  and the aia files for the projects in the book are here:  http://www.appinventor.org/bookFiles  

How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here:  http://www.appinventor.org/content/howDoYou/eventHandling  .


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