Someshvar Vashisht

Dec 7, 2018, 7:18:25 AM12/7/18

Hi I'am having problems loading geoJson into featureCollections 

When i use FeatureCollection or Map .LoadFromUrl where the url = 
It apparently succeds (as so far as the GotFeatures event fires. The Features of the Event are also correct but no features are added to the map or featureCollection  (the features remain a empty list)
If a try to set the featurecollection to a url or a asset with the same content I reserve a 500 internal server error
The question is there any one that has a working working example where loading a geoJson works?

Even if i upload the gejson , it gives "Internal error" which I reported so many times.
My project is stuck...


Dec 7, 2018, 8:25:03 AM12/7/18
The FeatureCollection is broken in Companion 2.48 Someshvar.  MIT is aware it does NOT WORK.  They have a fix for the behavior you describe but have not yet implemented the fix.  When will it be fixed?   Perhaps later this month.

Here is a recent post that provides a work around using a modified geojson instead of that might help you!category-topic/mitappinventortest/99Bajqq0Jqc  

At the moment, developers cannot use the FeatureCollection  as it is intended.   Sorry.   You have to wait until the component is fixed.

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