You can use WebViewString to communicate values back and forth between your App, and the WebViewer.
In your App, you get and set the WebViewer.WebViewString properties.
In you webviewer, you open to a page that has Javascript that references the window.AppInventor object, using its getWebViewString() and setWebViewString(text) methods.
For example, if the WebView opens to a page that contains the Javascript
document.write("The value from the app is<br />" + window.AppInventor.getWebViewString());
and if you set the WebView.WebVewString property to "hello from my app", then the web page will show
The value from the app is
hello from my app.
Also, if the web page contains javascript the executes the command
windowAppInventor.setWebViewString("hello from Javascript")
then the value of the Webviewer.WebViewString property will be the text "hello from Javascript"
Taifun has done a lot of tricks that use the Web page title as a communication channel. This is essentially the same thing, but
without needing to use the title.
We'll update the documentation to be more clear.
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