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Android App Inventor DIY Book PDF - Teddy Brask-Andersen

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Abraham Getzler

Aug 8, 2018, 1:51:25 PM8/8/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Teddy Brask-Andersen has posted the PDF English translation of his
Danish AI2 introductory book at the

He has graciously agreed to having it re-posted here,
under Creative Commons Share Alike.

Unfortunately, it is too large for this group, so I have posted
until some one with better hosting can give it a better home.


Thomas Kim

Aug 10, 2018, 2:08:06 AM8/10/18
Great book!  Could have used it when I taught the intro to app inventor class few weeks ago.  i just picked few lessons from the app inventor website.  By the way, you can teach the class without the internet connection.  I had the offline server running on my laptop (linux mint 18.3 MATE) along with linksys wifi router(AC1600).  Students were connected to my laptop via wifi.  The location didn't have the outside internet connection.  It worked pretty good.  Problem was with the emulator and the usb connection (gave up on this one since there were many different android phones).  Fixed the emulator problem by installing the 2.46 apk into the emulator.  (The windows and linux aiStarter installation kit from the website had version 2.11 and i couldn't upgrade without the internet. Mac worked fine as is ). Next time, i am thinking about getting some old laptops (donation) and putting the linux os on it.  Then I can upgrade the emulator before the class.

Abraham Getzler

Aug 10, 2018, 10:53:51 AM8/10/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Thank you for telling us your offline setup.

If you are using AI2U, they would probably
appreciate this setup example at their board:


Thomas Kim

Aug 10, 2018, 11:20:41 AM8/10/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
i've actually used the offline version of the app inventor2 from github.  i enjoy using Linux !

By the way, i've learned so much from your postings/writings.  Thank you very much!!
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