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javi eivi

May 9, 2019, 10:15:41 AM5/9/19

Hello! I have to do a class project, which the function of the app is to be able to block any installed mobile app for a limited period of time, I have been researching all the sites (forums, web pages, etc.) but the result has I have been a failure, because nowhere have I been able to see anything similar, that's why I write these two questions:

Is it possible that the "effect" of an inventor app function can be active even if the application is closed?

Is it possible to make an application which can block for a certain time?

Any kind of guidance or help will help me a lot.



May 9, 2019, 10:23:07 AM5/9/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
1. No, AI2 apps do not run in the background

2. No, you cannot write an app in AI2 that will block another app

1. May be possible with derivative versions of AI2 or in Android Studio
2. You will need Android Studio for this - there are apps on Google Play that already do this (well, block access to an app).

javi eivi

May 9, 2019, 10:33:53 AM5/9/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Those versions derived from inventor app what would they be?

Chris Ward

May 9, 2019, 10:55:51 AM5/9/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello Javi

You would have to ask them. It's a very strange project you have been assigned!


May 9, 2019, 6:03:14 PM5/9/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Look in the Forums section of FAQ
for spinoffs of AI2 like Kodular, Thunkable, AppyBuilder, etc.


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