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Mauricio Leonetti

Aug 17, 2015, 5:33:20 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello, sorry my bad english.

After today's update , when to build my application and try to install on my Moto G or in my Nexus 7 ( 2 g ) mensagge receive that " the application was not installed " ( The application is not installed )

what information you need to analyze the problem ?

Yesterday worked well , now add functions to send mail and to build shows that error.

Same in spanish:

Hola, si alguien puede ayudarme, en los parrafos de arriba pido disculpas por mi mal ingles, resulta que hace un tiempo vengo trabajando en una aplicación, sin problemas, voy creando la apk e instalándola en mi Motorola Moto G, en un Nexus 7, y en un Samsung Note 2 sin problemas, pero hoy, después de la actualización del 17/08 al crear la apk e intentar instalarla en el teléfono aparece un aviso que dice "No se instaló la aplicación" sin mas que eso, sin numero de error ni otra explicación que pueda usar para buscar una solución.

Lo que agregue desde que dejo de funcionar fue una nueva pagina con botones para llamar por teléfono a determinados números, en el modo desarrollo funcionaba, la verdad no se por donde seguir.

Diganme por favor que necesitan para poder analizar esto, no se que tipo de información tengo que enviarles.

Desde ya les agradezco mucho a quienes puedan ayudarme.


Aug 17, 2015, 5:54:06 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Did you upgrade to version of Companion 2.28?       Did you change the Sizing from Fixed to Responsive?

If you did successfully upgrade Companion, did you convert your projects for Fixed sizing to Responsive sizing?    Or are you using Fixed.    There are known issues involving apps that switch screens and are set to Responsive sizing   .   MIT is working on this issue.


Mauricio Leonetti

Aug 17, 2015, 6:14:13 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello, yes my companion is v. 2.28

Not change the sizing, but before writing this change options of sizing and nothing happend.

I not convert, only open the web and put to work

thanks for your reply!!

Hal Abelson

Aug 17, 2015, 6:31:44 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum

Were you able to build your app to produce an APK file?  If so, please email me that file to

If you could not build the app, then post a message back here and attach the aia file to the post.

Hal Abelson

Aug 17, 2015, 9:19:05 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
This turned out to be a dex bug, and not related to the new release (unless it uses a newer version of dex).
This was resolved private mail and the bug filed as an issue.

Mauricio Leonetti

Aug 17, 2015, 9:59:25 PM8/17/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
You are my idols!!!!! thank you so much!! for your time, your compromise.

It's works!

I'm very grateful
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