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How to have different images pop up each day

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Asta Bertolini

May 20, 2018, 7:45:38 AM5/20/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Each day I want an image that pops up on the homepage of my app. The image would be like an uplifting message or an inspirational quote of sorts and would be different each day.

Would I have to connect something else that would provide these messages for me or do I have to put in my own large collection of images?
Would it just be better to only have one image that would pop up?

Please ask me if you need more information as I will gladly give it. (I also haven't been coding or using blocks for long so some things I am still a bit unsure with.)


May 20, 2018, 5:01:16 PM5/20/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Do you need a image to display a message or quote, why not just use text and decorate the label differently if you need to.

This way you can upload a csv type file list to the app, containing all the quotes/messages, and call a different index from the list each day

If it has to be an image, then it may be better to store all of these on a web file server, and call them in to the app as required
(or download them all, file by file, on the first run of the app)

Asta Bertolini

May 21, 2018, 11:17:32 PM5/21/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I doesn't have to be an image. What you suggested sounds good.

But what's a csv type file list? And how would I use/do (upload) it?


May 22, 2018, 6:28:56 PM5/22/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum


May 23, 2018, 10:00:46 AM5/23/18
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Here is an example showing one way to use a csv file to provide a 'tip of day'  or advice of day at the loading of an app with a different advice every day if you want (you need 365+ tips).

A different phrase is displayed each day of the year (if you have 366 phrases in your csv).   You can display phrases randomly (use the pink button - 'Show random').

Modified, the example to use it with images using a variety of techniques (stored on the device, downloaded from Google Drive, etc.  What you do depends on whether your app requires a WIFI/network connection..

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