like the above, does not work in the component The component requires longitude/latitude instead of the more common convention of displaying latitude/longitude.
Reverse the latitude and longitude as shown below and paste in the LineString.PointsFromString block
This way the LineString will work just fine showing part of your feature collection.
polygon Polygon.HolePointsFromString experiments
[[42.349029598909965,-71.1024856567383],[42.3528354991833,-71.09819412231447],[42.349029598909965,-71.09390258789064]] <this is the default for a Polygon
[[10.50416,40.475],[10.4,40.575],[10.14583,40.4916],[10.25,40.3916],[10.50416,40.475]] <is the polygon from the JSON, however the latitude/longitude need to be reversed to be compatible with the Map component as shown below.
[[40.475,10.50416],[40.575,10.4],[40.4916,10.14583],[40.3916,10.25],[40.475,10.50416]] < Here the latitude/longitude are reversed. Unfortunately this trips an error Error 3404:Parse error attempting to create Polygon ...Double cannot be converted toJSONArray. So, the Polygon is broken on an Android 4.2.2 Tablet too.
So to get the polygon part of the geoJSON coordinates, paste the following in the second LineString .. [[40.475,10.50416],[40.575,10.4],[40.4916,10.14583],[40.3916,10.25],[40.475,10.50416]] The code creates a polygon from segments. Perhaps you can work this way to display some of the information you require into your app.
I experimented on a 4.2.2 Android, I do not know if a similar issue exists on new Android os devices. Sorry, I loaned out my Android 7 Tablet. These hacks allow the polygons to display for me, hopefully for you too;
Good luck with your Project Simon. I certainly hope this example helps.