Help debugging my app

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Oct 3, 2019, 11:29:53 PM10/3/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello, I've been developing this app over the past couple of days. When going to play the app, I am struggling to debug the "Play" screen's code in the app. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated. (.aia file attached). Generally, the game should be the bottom ball moving with the image sprite moving along the bottom of the canvas without going off of it (all of it which is working), then the 4 other balls should also fall from the sky with their respective image sprite. The Ball2 should bounce off of Ball 1 upon collision, adding a point to the global count., the Balls 3 and 4 should add 2 points if it hits Ball1, but would not end the game if it hits the floor. Ball5 should end the game if it hits the Ball1 and not if it hits the floor. Ball 2 should never hit the floor, ending the game as a result. Generally, any other info can be found on the "Tutorial" Screen. Thank you!


Oct 4, 2019, 10:50:02 AM10/4/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
See attached for quick fixes ...

There were two types of error:

The other parameter of an event is a component block
value, not a text value.  The component blocks are the last
blocks in the Blocks pallete under each different component.
So make all those purple text blocks green component blocks.

The Any events have to be guarded against overlap
with the specific component events, by using and if/then
test for isAlreadyHandled, otherwise the specific component events
won't get to run.

Do you need bounce angle calculations for ball on ball




Oct 4, 2019, 10:57:23 AM10/4/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Also, you should close screens when done with them,
and never open Screen1, otherwise you will fill memory
eventually and crash.

See the Screens section of FAQ
for more on screen management.


Tutorial screen.png
credits screen.png
end screen.png
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