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Connect 3 devices in BluetoothLE to my application

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Bastien D.

Jun 6, 2019, 3:13:37 PM6/6/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hello everybody !

This is the continuation of a topic about "How to ask values with Bluetooth to a dial indicator from mit app inventor "

I just want to know how can I connect 3 devices to my application ?

- Stefan told me that it's possible to sleep all devices which are not needed but how can I connect 3 devices ?
- Chris told me I can do that with 3 virtual screens. So I can be connect to 3 devices with those 3 vitrual screens ? How can I manage that ?

To remember, this is the UUID's which works to ask values :
Regards ,


Jun 6, 2019, 3:53:30 PM6/6/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
You need to add in the extension 3 times so that you get BluetoothLE1, BluetoothLE2 & BluetoothLE3.

You now have 3 BLE objects to work with.

Need to work sequentially.

Start with one of them to scan for devices. Select device and connect etc.

Now start 2nd one to scan for devices, select device and connect.

Similarly with the 3rd.

In block view make sure to select the right BluetoothLE# object each time otherwise things wont work
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