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Question about the compatibility of external programs in question to interfaces.

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javi eivi

May 3, 2019, 2:29:25 PM5/3/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum

For a couple of days, our teacher has sent us the task of performing an interfere in a program called Balsamiq and then put it in our App Inventor application.
Searching the internet I found different similar programs, which one called Figma called my attention.
My question is the following:

Can Figma be compatible with App Inventor as supposedly my teacher says with Balsamiq?

Any guidance response would be very helpful, thanks for your attention :)


May 3, 2019, 2:55:31 PM5/3/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I believe your instructor has some bad information about using those programs to create an interface with App Inventor 2 Javi.  These programs are wireframing tools  These tools can be used for pro-typing the 'look' of an App Inventor 2 screen.  The mock ups CANNOT be imported into App Inventor designer  The mock ups can only be used as a guide to design your screens.


How is it supposed to work?   You can use one of these tools to make a mock up like in the figure to the left but then you have to create your App Inventor screen (to the right) MANUALLY.   So, why bother?

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