Hi friends,
this extension is a TinyDB extended. You can work with several independent TinyDB.
- We have three TinyDB: TinyDB1 (numbers), TinyDB2 (capitals) and TinyDB3 (animals).
- When you save a Tag/Value, it is always stored in the same file: TinyDB1.xml, without distinction what TinyDB you have used.
If you Clear TinyDB2, for example, Clear all TinyDBs.
With this extension a Tag/Value is stored in file TinyDB2.xml, but a Pretag is added to its Tag depending on the TinyDB that has saved the data.
When App Inventor programmer put a TinyDBX, must set a Pretag Property to distinguish a TinyDBX from another. Pretag is a simple string.
As we saw in this other extension, you can also view data saved in TinyDBX or upload it from a file.
- Now if you Clear TinyDBX2, for example, you clear this lines...
- Other post about TinyDB:
- This is just a didactic extension, use it under your responsibility, I am not responsible for the loss of data.