Stall speed 50 knots
length of run way perhaps 1000 to 2000 feet.
Do you really want to depend on the LocationSensor which may have an Accuracy of reasonably 2 to 50 meters, depending on conditions.
50 mph translates to 73 feet per second. That means the aircraft will be at the end of the runway within 14 to 28 seconds after releasing the brakes.
The LocationSensor requires about 10 seconds to achieve a satellite fix (even if someone chooses to sample once every one second and conditions are ideal) and update it'd location coordinates. Consider how the LocationSensor and GPS receiver works
Using the Location Sensor . There are two tutorials there that demonstrates how your GPS receiver in your tablet or cell phone work. It yalks about how reliable values reported are.
Can you make an app to do this? Sure. I wouldn't fly with you if you depended on it. :(
Here is how you could build the app:
When you set your brakes; get a GPS satellite fix. Experiment with the TimeInterval (10000 ms might work (10 seconds)... smaller intervals get iffy). Save the latitude/longitude
in a variable... previousLocation
When the LocationChanged event fires, calculate the distance traveled so far. Compare previousLocation with current location. There are several ways to do this. You might use either Math blocks or the built in routines in the Maps component. The calculation will tell you how far the pilot 'ran' before that new location .
I would look down the runway and say' ok, I got 5 more seconds to wheels up or I'll crash instead. However have fun with your app.
You do not need the pedometer component. This app can be made with the LocationSensor alone or using the Map component + LocationSensor. and should include a warning to the aviator.
Good luck. Please consider the issues before you attempt to make your life exciting.This would be great if the gps receiver was more accurate and could update faster but the technology available in a cell phone isn't going to be safe. Show us your progress and ask questions if you get stuck.