I have Hyper-V VM set up with android. WIFI is not an option within Android, and I dont have WIFI hardware in my PC, which is wired.
Android uses my host wired internet connection.
I've installed AI Companion on the client VM, however it does nothing when I enter a 6-character code to connect to my app.
I have aistarter installed with the classic emulator, which is unreliable and very slow.
Can I configure aistarter to use my Hyper-V Android VM instead?
Or alternatively trick my VM into using the wired connection as a WIFI connection?
I'm a lecturer with a class of students using App Inventor and were having massive headaches testing with the generic emulator.
some have android mobiles, others don't.
Our resident techies have said use Hyper-V, as its already available, rather than trying to get approval for something else.
The class finishes in early June so battling with college IT to get software is off the cards.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance,