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No watch feauture in AI2 yet? No problem...

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Scott Ferguson

Mar 7, 2014, 1:41:23 PM3/7/14
Here some methods Scott uses for debugging his projects until a 'Watch' feature is available for AI2:

Screen1.Title to (join... |  variable) in a procedure can display and update the contents of one or more variables while the app is connected to the device or emulator.
Why do it this way?
So I don't have to change my screen layout by adding a label just to display the debug info.
When you remove the debug blocks, the original title will display.
This is useful until we get a watch option on our blocks in AI2.

Do It is another useful feature that can be used for testing and debugging.
I have created a procedure Normalize which should return a number in the range 0 <= degrees < 360.
I can test a call to this procedure using just a call block and number attached to the input socket.

Testing a value with Do It...

Viewing the result:

You can remove the comment after testing also or just delete the blocks.


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