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Other Wirth Run Opportunities

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David William Bitner

Apr 29, 2024, 9:42:49 AM4/29/24
to Missing Link Running Club
Hey all,

I just wanted to share with you all some other opportunities to run with some great groups at Wirth.

As far as I know, Missing Link is the only trail focused running group in the area that has an emphasis on structured workouts (ie intervals, hills, and strength/mobility). With that being said, whether our runs don't fit in your schedule, our workouts don't quite fit with your running plan, or you are simply looking for more group runs in the week, you can now head to Wirth park five days a week for group runs with super fun folks.

Mondays and Wednesdays are the Missing Link workout days, meeting at the field at the corner of Glenwood and Xerxes (just East of the Beach House). These workouts start with 10-15 minutes of warmup / strength / mobility drills followed by a warm up jog to an area in South Wirth for intervals and finishing up with a cool down jog back to the meeting field.

Tuesday nights at 6:30p meeting at the Wirth Beach House, Performance Running Gym and the Loppet Foundation have partnered to put on Tuesday Night Trails  group trail run.

Thursday nights - year round rain, snow, or shine - The Thirsty Thursday group meets at Utepils Brewery for group runs.

New - on Saturday mornings, meeting at 8am at the Trailhead, the leaders of the Forest Femmes group have partnered with the Loppet Foundation to put on the "Theo Loopers" group. This group would be a great opportunity for those who don't want to travel quite as far when Missing Link is heading to some of our further destination trails.

And of course, Missing Link hits trails around the Metro (Lebanon Hills, Afton, Murphy Hanrehan, Hyland, Willow River, Battle Creek are all some of our regular haunts). We generally meet at 8am but circle back around at 9:30am to pick additional folks up.

Whether it is with Missing Link, any of our friends, or just out at races or randomly on the trail, I hope to see lots of all of you this summer!

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