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NPR books editor Petra Mayer dies from COVID vaccine complications at 46

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Pepsi Zero Sugar

Nov 25, 2021, 3:40:03 AM11/25/21
NPR books editor Petra Mayer died Saturday at age 46, NPR
reported. Mayer was a popular editor on NPR's Culture desk,
delighting readers and listeners with her outpouring of
knowledge of cats, comics and science fiction, as well as her on-
site reporting at Comic-Con.

Mayer died at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Springs, Maryland,
of what's believed to be a pulmonary embolism, Nancy Barnes,
NPR's senior vice president for news, said in an email to staff.

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Teo Matiz

Nov 30, 2021, 10:46:18 AM11/30/21
I also rewrite books and texts, my profession is also called copywriting, we are looking for professionals to work for !! Anyone who is interested, write to me!!!!

Emma Parker

Nov 30, 2021, 11:27:20 AM11/30/21
вторник, 30 ноября 2021 г. в 17:46:18 UTC+2, Teo Matiz:
> I also rewrite books and texts, my profession is also called copywriting, we are looking for professionals to work for !! Anyone who is interested, write to me!!!!
I would like to be a copywriter but do I need writing skills? Since I have a problem with this I have always used to write my essays. I always did not like to learn the rules of writing, etc. This service, in addition to writing good texts, also checks them on plagiarism, for me it is important!


Aug 31, 2022, 8:56:46 PM8/31/22
On 11/25/2021 12:38 AM, Pepsi Zero Sugar wrote:
> NPR books editor Petra Mayer died Saturday at age 46, NPR
> reported. Mayer was a popular editor on NPR's Culture desk,
> delighting readers and listeners with her outpouring of
> knowledge of cats, comics and science fiction, as well as her on-
> site reporting at Comic-Con.
> Mayer died at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Springs, Maryland,
> of what's believed to be a pulmonary embolism, Nancy Barnes,
> NPR's senior vice president for news, said in an email to staff.
> dies-at-46/ar-AAQHtwT?ocid=msedgntp

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