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Bill Funke

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00

will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.

The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed

intermammary sulcus.

No, I don't have a damn website for this, I read it in the Atlantic.

Education is not a bucket you fill, it is a fire you ignite.

W. B. Yeats

Alma Hromic

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:14:16 GMT, (Bill Funke)

>will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
>The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> intermammary sulcus.

it puts rather a damper on the bodice ripper genre. it's hard to get
real fired up about a sulcus, somehow. you know? and how do you give
instructions to the cover artist?

"gimme some more SULCUS, man, you know what i mean?"


"The difference between journalism and literature
is that journalism is unreadable
and literature is unread."
Oscar Wilde

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
In article <>, (Bill Funke) wrote:
> will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> it:
> intermammary sulcus.

Real item, too---

When I went to the doctor for an "unnamed condition", the nurse and I
got into a conversation over what the butt-crack was called. She looked
it up. It is the "gluteal cleft".

Which when you think about it, makes sense.

Bill Penrose (but the romance is gone)

Sent via
Before you buy.

Frank Raymond Michaels

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:15:04 GMT, (Alma Hromic)

>On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:14:16 GMT, (Bill Funke)

>>will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
>>The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
>> intermammary sulcus.

>it puts rather a damper on the bodice ripper genre. it's hard to get
>real fired up about a sulcus, somehow. you know? and how do you give
>instructions to the cover artist?
>"gimme some more SULCUS, man, you know what i mean?"

According to Desmond Morris' _The Human Animal_ (Discovery Channel
special), intermammary sulcus developed when humans adopted an upright
posture and females needed a frontal sexual signal to attract males.
The intermammary sulcus is made to emulate the fissure between the
gluteal muscles of the posterior ("butt-crack"), in apes that walk on
all fours. The posterior in apes is often brightly colored when the
female is in estrus ("me-so-horrrrny"). Without intermammary sulcus,
primitive men would have paid no attention whatsoever to primitive
women and spent their days staring at drawings of sports on cave-walls
(Redskins beat the Bears again...) and the species would have died
out. This is why when you wimmins talk to us we stare at your
Frank Raymond Michaels ("You an' me, baby, we ain't nothin' but
mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel...")
The Horror Fiction Page:


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
In article <38f0c2e4...@>, wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:14:16 GMT, (Bill Funke)
> wrote:
> >
> >will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> >
> >The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> >it:
> >
> > intermammary sulcus.
> >
> it puts rather a damper on the bodice ripper genre. it's hard to get
> real fired up about a sulcus, somehow. you know? and how do you give
> instructions to the cover artist?
> "gimme some more SULCUS, man, you know what i mean?"

heh. That'll really, um, deflate the advertising people over at
Victoria's Secret, won't it? I mean, "intermammary sulcus" just doesn't
have quite the same panache as "cleavage" or "decolletage". I wonder if
the WonderBra would ever become a phenomenon if te advertising had
promised to lift, shape and create amazing intermammary sulcus....? (you
ever tried on one of those things? YEESH! They weigh a ton and you can't
breathe in it, but you could use your own chest for a pillow.)

And now I need just a wee bit of fashion advice from Alma and the girls,
so you guys just butt out for a minute.....

Alma? Ladies? Do you think this black dress I was going to wear to the
funeral on Monday might show just a bit too much sulcus? Should I wear
my black suit instead?
(Make up your mind fast, 'cuz if it's the suit, it'll have to go the
cleaners *tonight*)

MaBear (waving 'bye - this'll be my last quick coffeebreak flyby for a
week or so)

Paine Ellsworth

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Bill Funke wrote:
> will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> it:
> intermammary sulcus.
> No, I don't have a damn website for this, I read it in the Atlantic.
> Bill
> Education is not a bucket you fill, it is a fire you ignite.
> W. B. Yeats

'Lo Bill --

Here's a couple--

It seems to have changed some time ago BTW -- here's a
quote from the second site (which might lead to the need
for "parental excretion" OSLT)

What's with the "Pinky and Perky" comment?

Is this is a sign of blonde dementia? - you tell me. Here are
some excerpts from the Daily Star
(August 30, 1997):

Daft doctors reckon they are keeping abreast of the times...
by banning the word cleavage. From now on man's favourite
curvy crevice will be called 'intermammary sulcus'.

Indelibly yours,
Paine (say "sulcus" three times real, real fast) Ellsworth
xoxoxox For an update --

The Skipster

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
(Bill Funke) wrote:

>will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
>The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> intermammary sulcus.

Contraction = i.s. (pronounced eye-ess)

"Man, did you see that eye-ess!?"


Those guys should get laid more often.

You, you, you know my name...


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Bill Funke wrote:
> will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> it:
> intermammary sulcus.

What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage? Just want to be
knowledgeable about these things when the repairman comes to fix the gas


Wendy Chatley Green

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
For some inexplicable reasons, ingrid <>

:Bill Funke wrote:
:> intermammary sulcus.

:What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage?

intergluteal sulcus.

Wendy Chatley Green

Patrick McNamara

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00

>According to Desmond Morris' _The Human Animal_ (Discovery Channel
>special), intermammary sulcus developed when humans adopted an upright
>posture and females needed a frontal sexual signal to attract males.

Humans were always upright, AFAIK. ("Let's stand upright, today, dear, and
tighten my bearskin, please.")

This theory sounds fishy.

Patrick McNamara
(longtime lurker, rare poster)


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Its called the "anal clef". Isn't that exciting?

ingrid <> wrote in message

> Bill Funke wrote:
> >
> > will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> >
> > The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> > it:
> >

> > intermammary sulcus.
> >


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Wendy Chatley Green wrote:
> For some inexplicable reasons, ingrid <>
> wrote:

> :What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage?
> intergluteal sulcus.

Doesn't quite roll off the tongue the way "butt cleavage" does though,
does it? In fact, if you say it real fast, sounds like you have
something caught in your throat and should follow it up with a "hork,

I have a feeling this repairman -- if he's the same guy who was here
last time - will fall into the "intergluteal *maximus* sulcus" category
and I'll have to fight the urge to insert a bunch of posies down there.


Wendy Chatley Green

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
For some inexplicable reasons, ingrid <>

:I have a feeling this repairman -- if he's the same guy who was here

:last time - will fall into the "intergluteal *maximus* sulcus" category
:and I'll have to fight the urge to insert a bunch of posies down there.

You have heard the story/urban legend about the deep sea diver
who got a jellyfish ground into his intergluteal sulcus?

Alex Jay Berman

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:14:16 GMT, (Bill Funke)

>will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
>The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> intermammary sulcus.

>No, I don't have a damn website for this, I read it in the Atlantic.

Well, at least we still have geology.

So? Any of you out there wanna demonstrate how spathic you are?

Alex Jay Berman
"I like criticism, but it must be my way."--Mark Twain

Alex Jay Berman

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00

Well, no.
Back when we were great apes (yes; we're still great apes, and some of
us fill the role admirably), we were still knuckle-shufflers.

Grunt, grunt, baby.

Alex Jay Berman
-- of course, at one time way back--likely Geno remembers it well--we
WERE pretty fishy ...


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Bob Pastorio wrote:

> Joggernot wrote:
> >
> > Its called the "anal clef". Isn't that exciting?
> Sounds, um, musical.

If it jiggles it's called a "tremble clef."

(And this answers question as to why Bil doesn't participate in the
usual pun cascades.)

Bob Pastorio

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Joggernot wrote:
> Its called the "anal clef". Isn't that exciting?

Sounds, um, musical.

Pastorio (And I have heard it...)

Blanche Nonken

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
to wrote:

> When I went to the doctor for an "unnamed condition", the nurse and I
> got into a conversation over what the butt-crack was called. She looked
> it up. It is the "gluteal cleft".

And the dimple that some folk have just above it is the pilonidial
dimple. Better keep it clean - if it gets abcessed, the results can be
pretty TMI.


Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Frank Raymond Michaels wrote:

[ . . . ]

This is why when you wimmins talk to us we stare at your
> breastesses.

What breastesses. I had 'em but with these bi-focals all there is, is a

Donna (I was told looking down would take getting used to. No one
warned me about looking over trying to shave my armpits. If anyone
would care to donate at a local blood bank on my behalf, I'm A+)

Phil Innes

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
> > it puts rather a damper on the bodice ripper genre. it's hard to get
> > real fired up about a sulcus, somehow. you know? and how do you give
> > instructions to the cover artist?

In the mid eighties the London Borough of Hackney Sewer Workers were
advised and admonished to take better care of their (non-existant)
female brothers (politically speaking), otherwise to adopt a certain PC
code of language.

The gentlemen retired to deliberate this injunction.

They resolved to no longer call sewer and water main covers "Manhole
Covers" but, in the spirit of the age, to henceforth call them
"Womanhole Covers."

I apologies for this slight off topic, but I am building up to bodices -
and their disportment. Quite an interesting subject for both kinds of
sexes, including don't know, no?

Phil Innes

Paul Martin

Apr 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/7/00
Phil Innes wrote:

> > > it puts rather a damper on the bodice ripper genre. it's hard to get
> > > real fired up about a sulcus, somehow. you know? and how do you give
> > > instructions to the cover artist?
> In the mid eighties the London Borough of Hackney Sewer Workers were
> advised and admonished to take better care of their (non-existant)
> female brothers (politically speaking), otherwise to adopt a certain PC
> code of language.
> The gentlemen retired to deliberate this injunction.
> They resolved to no longer call sewer and water main covers "Manhole
> Covers" but, in the spirit of the age, to henceforth call them
> "Womanhole Covers."

That sounds highly obscene.

Paul (trying to get the image of a woman with one of those down there out of
my mind)

"This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel."
-- Horace Walpole, Letters, to the Countess of Upper Ossory, Aug. 16, 1776.

William Penrose

Apr 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/8/00
On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 17:34:58 GMT, ingrid <>

>Wendy Chatley Green wrote:
>> :What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage?
>> intergluteal sulcus.
>Doesn't quite roll off the tongue the way "butt cleavage" does though,
>does it?

There's worse... It's considered sexy when a woman pokes money into
her intermammary sulcus. But where does the plumber poke his money?


Paine Ellsworth

Apr 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/8/00
ingrid wrote:

> Bill Funke wrote:
> >
> > will henceforth no longer be known as cleavage.
> >
> > The International Federation of Associations of Anatomy has renamed
> > it:
> >
> > intermammary sulcus.
> >
> What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage? Just want to be
> knowledgeable about these things when the repairman comes to fix the gas
> dryer.
> ing

'Lo Ing --

Well... Frank wrote:

> According to Desmond Morris' _The Human Animal_ (Discovery Channel
> special), intermammary sulcus developed when humans adopted an upright
> posture and females needed a frontal sexual signal to attract males.

> The intermammary sulcus is made to emulate the fissure between the
> gluteal muscles of the posterior ("butt-crack"), in apes that walk on
> all fours. The posterior in apes is often brightly colored when the
> female is in estrus ("me-so-horrrrny"). Without intermammary sulcus,
> primitive men would have paid no attention whatsoever to primitive
> women and spent their days staring at drawings of sports on cave-walls
> (Redskins beat the Bears again...) and the species would have died

> out. This is why when you wimmins talk to us we stare at your
> breastesses.

> -----------------------------------
> Frank Raymond Michaels ("You an' me, baby, we ain't nothin' but
> mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel...")
> The Horror Fiction Page:

So the official name for it would be the

interbuttery sulcus

Indelibly yours,
Paine (Be on the qui vive! -- as repairmen use it now to seduce
their female customers) Ellsworth

Hound of Cullen

Apr 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/10/00
In article <>, says...
: On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 17:34:58 GMT, ingrid <>

: wrote:
: >Wendy Chatley Green wrote:
: >
: >> :What do they call it when it's butt-cleavage?
: >>
: >> intergluteal sulcus.

: >
: >Doesn't quite roll off the tongue the way "butt cleavage" does though,
: >does it?
: There's worse... It's considered sexy when a woman pokes money into
: her intermammary sulcus. But where does the plumber poke his money?
: Bill
I keep a quarter in the freezer for insertion into the gluteal cleft of
an attending plumber. Fortunately for said plumber, I haven't had any
problems with my pipes in recent memory.



Apr 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/10/00
Hound of Cullen wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...

> : There's worse... It's considered sexy when a woman pokes money into
> : her intermammary sulcus. But where does the plumber poke his money?
> :
> : Bill
> :
> I keep a quarter in the freezer for insertion into the gluteal cleft of
> an attending plumber.

<G> I'm imagining somebody using that quarter after he fished it out!

Turned out the guy who came to fix my dryer wasn't the one I thought
it'd be. This one was tall and skinny and suffering from a kind of
gluteal minimus. Just denim bagging out over a non-existent
backside. Definitely not sexy.

Looks like with repairmen, it's either feast or famine, butt-wise

ing <the skinny ones charge less too!>

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