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Ah, Saturday morning!

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Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 9:00:22 AM8/25/01
I'm the only one up, the birds are singing and the joe is hot and
crunchy, just the way I like it.

Ok, people, do your job--amuse me.


Alma Hromic Deckert

Aug 25, 2001, 9:09:30 AM8/25/01

ok, here's a snippet.

there's a place in downtown stuart, florida, which advertises itself
as "big apple bagels". go on, you know that finding these places
anywhere other than the actual big apple amuses you immensely <g>

A. (and those were the BEST bagels... <g>)


Aug 25, 2001, 9:25:22 AM8/25/01

"Best" and "bagels" do not belong in the same sentence together.
Bagels are a fraud - tasteless, (why do you think they have to add stiff to them like
onions, etc), not at all low calorie and totally devoid of nutrition. The are the
Emperor's Clothing of the food world.
Eat cardboard, it's cheaper.

Eliska (food fight)

P.S. This is writing related because I intend to send this to the food editor of the St.
Pete Times.

Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 9:39:48 AM8/25/01

Allow me to land the first blow. Tasteless? Hardly. A good plain bagel
is as tasty as any fine, fresh-baked bread. Nothing else necessary
(perhaps some good, strong, hot coffee). Devoid of nutrition? Pffft!

A Plain bagel:
Total Fat-0.9g


Looks pretty nutritious to me.

> P.S. This is writing related because I intend to send this to the food editor of the St.
> Pete Times.

I want credit!


Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 9:28:08 AM8/25/01

Please tell me that, after having the real deal, you didn't succomb to
the temptation.

Here's a warning: after eating a real NY bagel, if you try one from
somewhere else, you will make a scrunched-up face that will only
embarrass you.

Stan (betcher buns they were!)

Kurt Ullman

Aug 25, 2001, 10:31:36 AM8/25/01
In article <>, Alma Hromic Deckert

It is a chain.. we have a couple here in the Indy area.

I am a pseudo-masochist. I want people to pretend to beat me.

Wendy Chatley Green

Aug 25, 2001, 10:34:17 AM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:00:22 GMT, for some inexplicable
reasons, "Stan (the Man)" <> wrote:

:I'm the only one up, the birds are singing and the joe is hot and

:crunchy, just the way I like it.
:Ok, people, do your job--amuse me.

Saturday is the only day during which I can
sleep late. This week, I have the support pager for
our software.

At 7a.m., the pager goes off. I grab the phone
and call in. PHL baggage handling (airline will remain
nameless) is reporting problems--flights are
disappearing from their task assignment screens.

I'm patched into PHL via phone, where I
discover that the airline, which insisted on doing the
setup and training on our software so that they would
save the cost of travel and expenses for us to do it,
didn't set it up correctly and only gave their new
users 2 hours of training--we give them 36 hours' of

Those new users came in today to practice.
When they couldn't figure out how to set up their
workstations, they walked over to another workgroup,
asked how they had their version of our software set
up, then duplicated those settings on their
workstations. They now were seeing the other
workgroup's tasks on their screens so they assigned
those tasks to their own employees, leaving those
baggage handling tasks unassigned for the actual

It took over an hour to straighten things out.
I was 37 minuntes into the problem before I could free
things up enough to make coffee.

Forget entertaining you--get me another hour of

Wendy Chatley Green

Wendy Chatley Green

Aug 25, 2001, 10:35:49 AM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:25:22 GMT, for some inexplicable
reasons, Eliska <> wrote:

:"Best" and "bagels" do not belong in the same sentence together.

:Bagels are a fraud - tasteless, (why do you think they have to add stiff to them like
:onions, etc), not at all low calorie and totally devoid of nutrition.

Bagels are the perfect vehicle for conveying
cream cheese from container to mouth.

Same with peanut butter, if it's a garlic


Aug 25, 2001, 10:41:31 AM8/25/01
"Eliska" <> writing about her absence of fondness for
bagels, said, in response to Alma's mention of bagels, which came as a
result of Stan's musings about his enjoyment of this Saturday morning:

> "Best" and "bagels" do not belong in the same sentence together.
> Bagels are a fraud - tasteless, (why do you think they have to add stiff
to them like
> onions, etc), not at all low calorie and totally devoid of nutrition. The
are the
> Emperor's Clothing of the food world.
> Eat cardboard, it's cheaper.

Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no. Bagels are wonderful things, smeared with
gobs of cream cheese (is it cream? is it cheese??). But Stan, my friend, I
would have to disagree with you when you said the *only* good bagels are
found in New York. There's a wonderful bagel place in Boston's Quincy
Market; can't remember the name of it but the bagels were the best I've ever

We actually have two bagel shops in Muskegon. TWO, count 'em. We're slowly
becoming civilized here.

PJ (in my Jeep, heading for the bagel place)

Peggy J. Parks
PJ Parks Communications


Aug 25, 2001, 10:50:19 AM8/25/01
<attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo.  Magic Mirror tell me true.  In
misc.writing I see little Wendy Chatley Green <>

> This week, I have the support pager for
> our software.

I remember our pager support days. To be "fair" ... EVERYONE
had to take a turn in the barrel. Even those who had NEVER
seen the software they were supporting, and had little or
no clue about the system.

Because it was a legacy system we were supporting, and was full
of ... um ... "undocumented features", we were guaranteed to
have the pager go off during our week of support duty. The
Customer Call Center tech was supposed to try to resolve the
issue without development support, but there was *always* a
time when he or she could not.

It was never some place convenient, like, say, down the street.
No. It was always Manila, or Pango Pango, or Tai Pei. Someplace
where their daytime equated pretty much to our night time.

And our job was to stay on the line with the the customer and
the CCC tech, and, well ... resolve the problem. In most cases,
the way to "resolve" it was to figure out approximately where
in the system the problem may be occuring, and look on a list
of names of those who knew that area, and call them.

The CCC techs knew the development experts better than we
pager support people did. They COULD have called the development
experts directly. I really don't know why they needed an
additional person tying up their 5 line system.

But there it was. Spending several hours on the phone, not
saying much of anything, while the CCC tech, the customer, and
the development expert resolved the issue.

I was happy when we handed that system over to our teams in
Singapore. At least they're in roughly the same time zone
as the customers!


Irritainment - Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying,
but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. The O.J. trials
were a prime example.


Aug 25, 2001, 10:51:04 AM8/25/01
<attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo.  Magic Mirror tell me true.  In
misc.writing I see little Wendy Chatley Green <>

> Bagels are the perfect vehicle for conveying

> cream cheese from container to mouth.

fingers work well, if you have one with short nails.


Aug 25, 2001, 10:52:17 AM8/25/01
<attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo.  Magic Mirror tell me true.  In
misc.writing I see little "PJ" <>

> But Stan, my friend, I
> would have to disagree with you when you said the *only* good
> bagels are found in New York. There's a wonderful bagel place in
> Boston's Quincy Market; can't remember the name of it but the
> bagels were the best I've ever had.

uh. oh.

you thought the *I am curious* thread was long and pointless?


Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 10:57:25 AM8/25/01

PJ wrote:
> "Eliska" <> writing about her absence of fondness for
> bagels, said, in response to Alma's mention of bagels, which came as a
> result of Stan's musings about his enjoyment of this Saturday morning:
> > "Best" and "bagels" do not belong in the same sentence together.
> > Bagels are a fraud - tasteless, (why do you think they have to add stiff
> to them like
> > onions, etc), not at all low calorie and totally devoid of nutrition. The
> are the
> > Emperor's Clothing of the food world.
> > Eat cardboard, it's cheaper.
> Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no. Bagels are wonderful things, smeared with
> gobs of cream cheese (is it cream? is it cheese??). But Stan, my friend, I
> would have to disagree with you when you said the *only* good bagels are
> found in New York.

Here we go again.

> There's a wonderful bagel place in Boston's Quincy
> Market; can't remember the name of it but the bagels were the best I've ever
> had.

I'm sure.

> We actually have two bagel shops in Muskegon. TWO, count 'em. We're slowly
> becoming civilized here.
> Ciao,
> PJ (in my Jeep, heading for the bagel place)

You gots a 'puter in your jeep? Damn.



Aug 25, 2001, 11:06:03 AM8/25/01
"gekko" <> wrote in message

> <attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo. Magic Mirror tell me true. In
> misc.writing I see little "PJ"

Romper stomper bumper boo???

(bagel conversation, interrupted by Nancy's)

> uh. oh.
> you thought the *I am curious* thread was long and pointless?

Oh Nancy, I can see all sorts of potential for this one. What kind of *food*
is a bagel? Would a shark eat it? Was that the intent of its design? Could
it be used to kill someone? Would it fit into a holster? Is it good when
served with lung jello? Can you spread Spam on a bagel? Are stale bagels bad
for the environment? Oh, the possibilities ...


Donna deMedicis

Aug 25, 2001, 11:06:42 AM8/25/01

And you can get a durn fine biscuit at Popeye's Fried Chicken.

(She said apropos to nothing)



Aug 25, 2001, 11:08:44 AM8/25/01
"Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in message

> You gots a 'puter in your jeep? Damn.

No, no computer but I can definitely multi-task while I drive. Shift gears,
talk on my cell phone, smoke a cigarette, eat a hot dog, and put on
lipstick, all at the same time.

PJ (watch out for me on the road)

Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 10:59:29 AM8/25/01

This was not amusing. Next!


Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:12:14 AM8/25/01

PJ wrote:
> "Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in message
> > You gots a 'puter in your jeep? Damn.
> No, no computer but I can definitely multi-task while I drive. Shift gears,
> talk on my cell phone, smoke a cigarette, eat a hot dog, and put on
> lipstick, all at the same time.
> Ciao,
> PJ (watch out for me on the road)

I've already seen and ticketed you. You could at least get off the
cellphone when I hand you the summons.



Aug 25, 2001, 11:30:02 AM8/25/01
"Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in message

> I've already seen and ticketed you. You could at least get off the
cellphone when I hand you the summons.

You really think I could focus on a stupid object like a cell phone when YOU
are ticketing me? Hardly.

PJ (I forgot that I also play with the radio)


Aug 25, 2001, 11:26:47 AM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:35:49 -0500, Wendy Chatley Green
<> wrote:

> Bagels are the perfect vehicle for conveying
>cream cheese from container to mouth.
> Same with peanut butter, if it's a garlic

I knew there was a reason I liked you, Wendy.

Sara (*chunky* peanut butter, right?)


Aug 25, 2001, 11:28:07 AM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 14:41:31 GMT, "PJ" <> wrote:

>Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no. Bagels are wonderful things, smeared with
>gobs of cream cheese (is it cream? is it cheese??). But Stan, my friend, I
>would have to disagree with you when you said the *only* good bagels are
>found in New York. There's a wonderful bagel place in Boston's Quincy
>Market; can't remember the name of it but the bagels were the best I've ever
>We actually have two bagel shops in Muskegon. TWO, count 'em. We're slowly
>becoming civilized here.

There was one good one in SLC when we first moved here. You could
actually see the bagels being lovingly bathed in their water bath,
which is what gives them the necessary chewiness. But then they went
out of business.



Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:31:17 AM8/25/01

PJ wrote:
> "Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in message
> >
> > I've already seen and ticketed you. You could at least get off the
> cellphone when I hand you the summons.
> You really think I could focus on a stupid object like a cell phone when YOU
> are ticketing me? Hardly.
> Ciao,
> PJ (I forgot that I also play with the radio)

Ah. Knobs. Now we're talkin'!



Aug 25, 2001, 11:22:23 AM8/25/01

Humbug; bagels are just a medium for holding creamcheese and lox
together long enough to eat them without a fork. Besides that if you
think you need anything besides coffee for breakfast you probably
can't bend a spoon in it or else you've quit smoking.


Aug 25, 2001, 11:36:58 AM8/25/01
"Stan (the Man)" <>, in an effort to continue his usual
provocative prose, wrote in message > >

> Ah. Knobs. Now we're talkin'!



Alma Hromic Deckert

Aug 25, 2001, 11:39:04 AM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:28:08 GMT, "Stan (the Man)"
<> wrote:

>> there's a place in downtown stuart, florida, which advertises itself
>> as "big apple bagels". go on, you know that finding these places
>> anywhere other than the actual big apple amuses you immensely <g>
>> A. (and those were the BEST bagels... <g>)
>Please tell me that, after having the real deal, you didn't succomb to
>the temptation.

me? oh no. never. i will never eat another bagel again until i come
back to new york....

>Here's a warning: after eating a real NY bagel, if you try one from
>somewhere else, you will make a scrunched-up face that will only
>embarrass you.

<snrch> like the wile e. coyote one?....

>Stan (betcher buns they were!)

buns? i thought we were talking about

A. (i'm going to go away quietly now...)


Aug 25, 2001, 11:42:52 AM8/25/01
<attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo.  Magic Mirror tell me true.  In
misc.writing I see little Whazzat <no...@nomail.hah> saying:</attrib>

I made chewy pretzels, once. They were bagel-like, and serve
JUST as efficiently for the cream cheese thing ... esp. if you
like dipping, rather than spreading.

they were less efficient at the lox thing, though. I found
I needed to wrap the lox around a portion of the pretzel. It
kept slipping off, though.


Will the information superhighway have any rest stops?


Aug 25, 2001, 11:44:00 AM8/25/01
<attrib>Romper, stomper, bomper boo.  Magic Mirror tell me true.  In
misc.writing I see little Alma Hromic Deckert <>

Stan sed:

>>Here's a warning: after eating a real NY bagel, if you try one from
>>somewhere else, you will make a scrunched-up face that will only
>>embarrass you.
> <snrch> like the wile e. coyote one?....

i keep hearing about this. was Stan eating a non-NY bagel when
he made that face, then?


Aug 25, 2001, 11:49:05 AM8/25/01
Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in
<snipped Wendy's description of her less-than-ideal way to start a weekend,
and hoping she gets her much-needed hour of sleep>

> This was not amusing. Next!

Okay, how's this: I was jolted awake at 6 a.m. by the sounds of a horrendous
thunderstorm and every window in my house was wide open. Got tangled up in
the sheets and almost fell out of bed trying to get up, probably due in part
to the excessive amounts of alcohol I had consumed while out on the town
last night. Felt my way through the dark to find the lightswitch and stubbed
my baby toe on the dresser. Swearing loudly, I limped over and turned on the
light and the bulb was burned out. More swearing followed. Then I tripped
over my dog, an ancient and senile cocker spaniel who's terrified of storms
and whines and claws at me whenever there's thunder. I screamed at her,
causing her to cower in the corner. Continuing on, still limping and in
great pain, I made my way to my office only to discover that rain had soaked
a stack of papers, my antique table, my Palm Pilot, and my phone. More
swearing. By now it's 6:15 a.m., I'm half asleep and hung over, and I'm
using a towel to mop up the mess, swearing all the while. Then I went back
to bed. The good news is, my dog left me alone.

How's that? Have I amused you sufficiently? I certainly hope so.

PJ (and I'm still grumbling like hell even now)

Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:51:14 AM8/25/01

PJ wrote:
> "Stan (the Man)" <>, in an effort to continue his usual
> provocative prose, wrote in message > >
> > Ah. Knobs. Now we're talkin'!
> Pig.
> <G>



Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:52:27 AM8/25/01

Don't worry. If that water didn't come from NY, it would've only been a
wast of your time.


Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:50:46 AM8/25/01

gekko wrote:

> I made chewy pretzels, once. They were bagel-like, and serve
> JUST as efficiently for the cream cheese thing ... esp. if you
> like dipping, rather than spreading.
> they were less efficient at the lox thing, though. I found
> I needed to wrap the lox around a portion of the pretzel. It
> kept slipping off, though.

I'm gonna ralph.


Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 11:59:31 AM8/25/01

Now *this* was amusing. Ok, folks, you have your benchmark. Get to work.



Aug 25, 2001, 12:09:18 PM8/25/01

No! That's apropos to a fine tasting carbohydrate. YUM!!!!!



Aug 25, 2001, 11:42:33 AM8/25/01
gekko <> wrote:

Apparently you guys never realized what a pager is. Being a busybody,
I'll clue you in.

A "pager" is a device for determining whether an employee is actually
a slave, or whether the employee considers employment to be a trade
between equals (effort for money). At the more enlightened companies,
a pager is the same as a pink slip; they expect you to hand them your
badge when they attempt to give you one.

Consider your parade peed upon if you wish; pagers, bah! Pagers are
no less than the first step toward corporate facism! They are best
avoided by knowing a few good headhunters, keeping your short-term
debt level at zero, and having money in the bank; how to accomplish
that is left as an exercise for the potential pager-victim.



Aug 25, 2001, 12:16:34 PM8/25/01
"Stan (the Man)" responded to my story about pain and suffering:

> Now *this* was amusing. Ok, folks, you have your benchmark. Get to work.

My pain and suffering amused you, did it? Well glad I could help in some
small way.

PJ (now I'm swearing at Stan)

Stan (the Man)

Aug 25, 2001, 12:29:47 PM8/25/01

PJ wrote:
> "Stan (the Man)" responded to my story about pain and suffering:
> >
> > Now *this* was amusing. Ok, folks, you have your benchmark. Get to work.
> My pain and suffering amused you, did it? Well glad I could help in some
> small way.
> PJ (now I'm swearing at Stan)

Pffft! Like you're alone.



Aug 25, 2001, 12:54:27 PM8/25/01
"PJ" <> wrote in news:vOOh7.57887$K6.22710420@news2:

> Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no. Bagels are wonderful things, smeared
> with gobs of cream cheese (is it cream? is it cheese??). But Stan, my
> friend, I would have to disagree with you when you said the *only* good
> bagels are found in New York. There's a wonderful bagel place in
> Boston's Quincy Market; can't remember the name of it but the bagels
> were the best I've ever had.

when i was in boston, i got my bagels in harvard square. i forget
the name of the place but i'd buy a bag of garlic bagels, eat one
or two on the way home, and then my dorm room would *reek* of
garlic until the rest got eaten. it was luverly.

best brownies i've ever had were from faneuil hall. did i spell
that right, and is it the place right next to quincy market?

> We actually have two bagel shops in Muskegon. TWO, count 'em. We're
> slowly becoming civilized here.

> Ciao,
> PJ (in my Jeep, heading for the bagel place)

we're just glad to know you're doing your part.


Aug 25, 2001, 12:56:19 PM8/25/01
"Stan (the Man)" <> wrote in

> Please tell me that, after having the real deal, you didn't succomb to
> the temptation.

> Here's a warning: after eating a real NY bagel, if you try one from
> somewhere else, you will make a scrunched-up face that will only
> embarrass you.

that'd be an improvement, then. normally my scrunched-up face
embarrasses everyone around me!


Aug 25, 2001, 2:00:46 PM8/25/01
<attrib>"PJ" <> put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-
shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>

> PJ (now I'm swearing at Stan)

no you're not. i don't see no emoticons here.


When you do a good deed, get a receipt in case heaven is like the IRS.


Aug 25, 2001, 2:03:20 PM8/25/01
<attrib>Whazzat <no...@nomail.hah> put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-shoo-

bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>

> Consider your parade peed upon if you wish; pagers, bah! Pagers are

> no less than the first step toward corporate facism! They are best
> avoided by knowing a few good headhunters, keeping your short-term
> debt level at zero, and having money in the bank; how to accomplish
> that is left as an exercise for the potential pager-victim.

darl', this is editorial material. work it into a good
frothy, well-written and humorous rant and sell it to a
newspaper or 'zine that likes these things.

i am not, btw, kidding.

gekko (and THAT, 'liska, is how one turns one's conversations into
writing-related posts. <GGG>)


Aug 25, 2001, 2:17:39 PM8/25/01
>"PJ" <> put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-> shoo-bop,
and "gekko" <> put the ram in the ramalama ding
dong ...

> > PJ (now I'm swearing at Stan)
> no you're not. i don't see no emoticons here.

It hurts his feelings when I swear in emoticons.

PJ { ;-) :-) :-D :-/ :-o }


Aug 25, 2001, 2:22:40 PM8/25/01
Whazzat spoke these profound words of wisdom:

> > Consider your parade peed upon if you wish; pagers, bah! Pagers are
> > no less than the first step toward corporate facism! They are best
> > avoided by knowing a few good headhunters, keeping your short-term
> > debt level at zero, and having money in the bank; how to accomplish
> > that is left as an exercise for the potential pager-victim.

THEN, just as the silence deepened and the tension mounted, Ms. Gekko
slithered in, spattered the wall with this message, then skulked back into a
corner watching with a gleam in her beady little eyes:

> darl', this is editorial material. work it into a good
> frothy, well-written and humorous rant and sell it to a
> newspaper or 'zine that likes these things.

I used to carry a pager day and night. Damned thing didn't work half the
time and clients were mad as a hive full of emasculated hornets when I
didn't call them back. So because of that, plus the fact that people accused
me of doing lewd things with it in "vibrate" mode, I threw it into the back
of a drawer, never to be looked at again.

PJ (good thing my cell phone has a vibrate feature)

Wendy Chatley Green

Aug 25, 2001, 2:25:38 PM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:26:47 -0600, for some
inexplicable reasons, Sara <> wrote:

:On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:35:49 -0500, Wendy Chatley Green

Of course and a brand with as little
sugar/sweetener as I can find.

Wendy Chatley Green


Aug 25, 2001, 2:29:14 PM8/25/01
<attrib>"PJ" <> put the bop in the

bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>

> So because of that, plus the fact that people accused

> me of doing lewd things with it in "vibrate" mode, I threw it into
> the back of a drawer, never to be looked at again.

okay, so, like ... ummmm ... WHAT is the problem with
that? i mean, why ELSE would one agree to carry a
pager? hell, i have mine on now! trouble is, no one
wants to page me, so i have to run a perl script to
send pages to myself.

at least i got one of those with the rechargeable battery.



Aug 25, 2001, 2:33:12 PM8/25/01
<attrib>Wendy Chatley Green <> put the bop in the
bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>

> Of course and a brand with as little

> sugar/sweetener as I can find.

I found one, a year or so ago. No sugar/sweetner added.
just peanuts, with a little salt. Had to stir it, and
keep it in the fridge. Couldn't find it again, though.

Can't even remember the name of it. The kids didn't care
to be stirring it, complained it was too difficult to
spread when it was cold, and really missed their "Skippy"

*I* liked it, but I don't eat peanut butter often enough
to justify it.


317 is a prime, not because we think so, or because our minds are
shaped in one way rather than another, but because it is so, because
mathematical reality is built that way. - Godfrey Hardy (1877-1947)


Aug 25, 2001, 2:33:15 PM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:25:38 -0500, Wendy Chatley Green
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:26:47 -0600, for some
>inexplicable reasons, Sara <> wrote:
>:On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:35:49 -0500, Wendy Chatley Green
>:<> wrote:
>:> Bagels are the perfect vehicle for conveying
>:>cream cheese from container to mouth.
>:> Same with peanut butter, if it's a garlic
>:I knew there was a reason I liked you, Wendy.
>:Sara (*chunky* peanut butter, right?)
> Of course and a brand with as little
>sugar/sweetener as I can find.

I love you, you're perfect. Don't ever change.



Aug 25, 2001, 2:39:06 PM8/25/01
"gekko" <> put the ram in the ramalama ding dong,
speaking about her vibrator-stike that, pager-with the message </attrib>

> okay, so, like ... ummmm ... WHAT is the problem with
> that? i mean, why ELSE would one agree to carry a
> pager? hell, i have mine on now! trouble is, no one
> wants to page me, so i have to run a perl script to
> send pages to myself.
> at least i got one of those with the rechargeable battery.

My friend, I did not (ooohh!) say there was anything (whoop!) wrong with it,
I wouldn't (aaaahhhh) ever say that because I (yes! yes!) have my cell phone
vibrating (ooh aaahhh!) as we speak.

PJ (cigarette?)


Aug 25, 2001, 2:35:36 PM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 18:33:12 GMT, gekko <>

><attrib>Wendy Chatley Green <> put the bop in the
>bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>
>> Of course and a brand with as little
>> sugar/sweetener as I can find.
>I found one, a year or so ago. No sugar/sweetner added.
>just peanuts, with a little salt. Had to stir it, and
>keep it in the fridge. Couldn't find it again, though.


I recently ate some regular peanut butter I keep around for baking
purposes (you can't use natural pb in cookies, etc.). It tasted like
pure sugar to me. Adam's is good. Trader Joe's also has a great
house brand natural peanut butter, as does Wild Oats. At some places
you can even grind your own from a big vat-o-peanuts. Yummy.


Wendy Chatley Green

Aug 25, 2001, 2:53:01 PM8/25/01
On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 18:33:12 GMT, for some inexplicable
reasons, gekko <> wrote:

:<attrib>Wendy Chatley Green <> put the bop in the

:bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>
:> Of course and a brand with as little
:> sugar/sweetener as I can find.
:I found one, a year or so ago. No sugar/sweetner added.
:just peanuts, with a little salt. Had to stir it, and
:keep it in the fridge. Couldn't find it again, though.
:Can't even remember the name of it. The kids didn't care
:to be stirring it, complained it was too difficult to
:spread when it was cold, and really missed their "Skippy"
:*I* liked it, but I don't eat peanut butter often enough
:to justify it.

Hallam's, which was a Missouri brand, is that
sort of peanut butter. So is Laura Scudder's. Our
kids were never big peanut butter eaters, although they
did like all types of jellies.

I also wrap pills for the dog in peanut butter.
Samms swears that liverwurst is better, but we don't
eat enough of it and the dog doesn't need enough pills
to justify stocking liverwurst.


Aug 25, 2001, 2:59:11 PM8/25/01
<attrib>Sara <> put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-

shoo-bop, and, furthermore, said:</attrib>

> At some places

> you can even grind your own from a big vat-o-peanuts.

that WOULD be good!

One of the things that gripes me about American food
is that the processors started adding sugar to *everything*.

I grew up on sugar, and am only now discovering the joy
and delight of unsugared, more natural foods.

Unfortunately, the kids don't seem to agree with my
assessment concerning less-sugared foods.

The boy selects his orange soda brands based on the
sugar content. I believe he has discovered that
Sunkist (circle R thing) brand has the most sugar,
ergo that is his favorite.


Aug 25, 2001, 3:00:19 PM8/25/01