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Annual Woody Award

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Fredrick Rea O'Keefe

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

May I propose to my fellow writers, a new annual award to be given for the
most rejections received during each calendar year. To be known as "The
Woody," after the redoubtable, world's most prestigious agency, this "Most
Prestigious Award" is to be a reminder that persistence pays off. In
respect to the Agency, and in accord with it's apparent philosophy,
candidates need to send a tally of actual and otherwise ("Had I sent this
manuscript out, it might have been rejected" or "Had I finished this piece,
and been able to afford the postage, ....") Publishers' Rejections.

Other writers will probably have better ideas, or none at all. Hence, your
views are solicited on such topics as: object of the prize, name of the
prize, who may apply, methodology, judges, how much to bill the
recipient(s), etc. Please reply publicly. My e-mail can't take any more
reminders of my having fun, instead of working.

Humbly submitted,
Dr. Flabbo Spirk
Spokesperson for Woodshed Writers Agency
"No manuscript so poor as to not receive our full attention. Cash with ...."

Fredrick Rea O'Keefe

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

Uh, perhaps one and the same, in some quarters?

KATYMUNGER <> wrote in article
> Listen, if we're giving out an award called "The Woody", I think it
> be either for the person who most excites the other posters on this
> board... or the biggest prick (behavoriallly speaking) in the group.

Fredrick Rea O'Keefe

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

Do you like to "submit," Stan? What do you like to have make a "false"
impression? Is there a connection? Are you referring to some sort of
fetish? What does that have to do with a "Woody"?

Rick "Easily confused, always looking at things as otherwise they might be,
but not necessarily." O'Keefe

Stan (the Man) <> wrote in article

> Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
> >
> > May I propose to my fellow writers, a new annual award to be given for
> > most rejections received during each calendar year. To be known as "The
> > Woody,"

> <snip disappointing explanation of subject header>
> Sheesh! Am I the only guy on the group who was getting ready to submit
> for this award under a false impression?
> Stan (sorry fella. maybe next time)

J.A. Hitchcock

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

On 26 Dec 1996 15:19:11 GMT, "Fredrick Rea O'Keefe" <>

>May I propose to my fellow writers, a new annual award to be given for the
>most rejections received during each calendar year. To be known as "The

Make me a judge and you are on!

J.A. Hitchcock
International Author

Stan (the Man)

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
> May I propose to my fellow writers, a new annual award to be given for the
> most rejections received during each calendar year. To be known as "The
> Woody,"


Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

Listen, if we're giving out an award called "The Woody", I think it should
be either for the person who most excites the other posters on this
board... or the biggest prick (behavoriallly speaking) in the group. Let
the nominations begin!

Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
> May I propose to my fellow writers, a new annual award to be given for
> most rejections received during each calendar year. To be known as "The
> Woody,"

Katy Munger
Your guests will never know....

Stan (the Man)

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
> Do you like to "submit," Stan? What do you like to have make a "false"
> impression? Is there a connection? Are you referring to some sort of
> fetish? What does that have to do with a "Woody"?
> Rick "Easily confused, always looking at things as otherwise they might be,
> but not necessarily." O'Keefe


YOU'RE easily confused!? You should be in MY head looking out.

Stan (Wud'd he say?)

Anna Banana

Dec 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/26/96

: Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
: > Rick "Easily confused, always looking at things as otherwise

: > they might be, : > but not necessarily." O'Keefe

Stan wrote:
: Rick,

: YOU'RE easily confused!? You should be in MY head looking out.
: Stan (Wud'd he say?)

As confused as a baby in a topless bar?

Phrase heard on Christmas day from a relative who'd
obviously been waiting a long time to use it.

Lorrill Buyens

Jan 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/1/97
to (Anna Banana), while summoning a demon, chanted:

>: Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
>: > Rick "Easily confused, always looking at things as otherwise
>: > they might be, : > but not necessarily." O'Keefe

>Stan wrote:
>: Rick,
>: YOU'RE easily confused!? You should be in MY head looking out.

>As confused as a baby in a topless bar?

As confused as a termite in a yo-yo?


| Doctor Fraud |Always believe six|
|Mad Inventor & Purveyor of Pseudopsychology |impossible things |
| Weird Science at Bargain Rates |before breakfast. |
|"Where did Robinson Crusoe go | "On a double |
| with Friday on Saturday night?" - Al Jolson | date?" - Me |

James Charles Rau

Jan 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/1/97
to (Lorrill Buyens) wrote:

> (Anna Banana), while summoning a demon, chanted:

>>: Fredrick Rea O'Keefe wrote:
>>: > Rick "Easily confused, always looking at things as otherwise
>>: > they might be, : > but not necessarily." O'Keefe

>>Stan wrote:
>>: Rick,
>>: YOU'RE easily confused!? You should be in MY head looking out.

>>As confused as a baby in a topless bar?

>As confused as a termite in a yo-yo?


As confused as a cow on Astroturf?


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