Anyone live along the US 68-KY 80 corridor from Edmonton to west of Kentucky
Lake and can tell if KY 80 signs are still up along the corridor?
Indiana has a tendency to do this, too ... I traveled US 50/150 from Shoals
to Vincennes (it's a habit) not long ago, and signs marking 150 are few and
far between.
Hope this helps ...
JN <><
"HBElkins" <> wrote in message
From a few miles east of Glasgow to a few miles west of Bowling Green,
the KY 80 signs are still up.
Smoking crack is a way for people who couldn't
afford college to study the works of Charles Darwin.
--PJ O'Rourke
Email todd1123 *AT* insightbb *DOT* com
>If 80 isn't being decommissioned, I'd have to say they're doing a good job
>of making it look like it is. My fiancee and I recently took a late night
>drive from Owensboro to Madisonville to Hopkinsville to Russellville and
Just out of curiousity, do you guys know any folks living in R'ville?
That's where I grew up...
I'm from Bowling Green, FWIW.
I've noticed the KY 80 signs disappearing between Cadiz and Bowling
Green. I guess maybe I'll get around to writing the KYTC to ask what the
deal is.
Judging from and, it looks like KY 80
and US 68 might be moving onto new routes west of Kentucky Lake.
// Jeffrey Coleman Carlyle, THE RULER OF EARTH: <>
// CS Grad. Student@UIUC; Programmer; Road Enthusiast; Life Enthusiast
// <> <> <>
I know -- I'm a regular visitor to Cool site,
US 68 and KY 80 are slated to be widened to four lanes, including new
bridges, in the near future. The only thing holding this project up are the
envrionmentalists (shock) since the area is basically one big wilderness.
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>> Judging from and
>>, it looks like KY 80
>> and US 68 might be moving onto new routes west of Kentucky Lake.
>US 68 and KY 80 are slated to be widened to four lanes, including new
>bridges, in the near future. The only thing holding this project up are the
>envrionmentalists (shock) since the area is basically one big wilderness.
The same thing is happening in BG with the proposal of a transpark
adjacent to I-65 in the Smiths Grove/Oakland area. The "fear" is that
it'll damage Mammoth Cave ("ruin" it is what they say), although I-65
--which runs right by the proposed site-- is harmless, even with the
rise in traffic flow and the ongoing widening.
It's my belief that these people typically oppose any changes in
things that *they* can't/don't/won't benefit from. They don't
perceive any benefit from a transpark, so they oppose it on the claim
that it'll "ruin" Mammoth Cave National Park. They remain deafeningly
silent, however, on I-65 (and its expansion) -- perhaps because they
benefit from its existence.
BTW, if you've ever seen a demonstration held by these people, it's
hard to image how they have *any* credibility at all...
>The "fear" is that
>it'll damage Mammoth Cave ("ruin" it is what they say),
Ya gotta admit, "ruin" is a pretty funny word.
I think. Therefore, I am not a conservative!
------ -------
>Judging from and
>, it looks like KY 80
>and US 68 might be moving onto new routes west of Kentucky Lake.
That would be it. Witness this e-mail I got when I asked:
Thank you for your inquiry concerning the numbering of KY 80. This
office has investigated the designation change of KY 80 to KY 402 in
Marshall County. State Primary KY 80 was redesignated as State
Primary KY
402 from the junction with KY 58 via Brewers and Hardin to the
junction with
US 68 near Aurora (16.859 miles) This is to allow the new route under
construction between Mayfield and Aurora to be signed as KY 80 when
are open to traffic. No plan currently exists for removing the KY 80
concurrent designation with US 68 from Edmonton to Aurora.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact
Jeff Moore
Division of Planning, District
Kentucky Transportation
So there we go... I didn't know they were building a new route between
Mayfield and Aurora.
H.B. Elkins or
"There's no doubt he's the best race driver in the world."
--Dale Jarrett, on Dale Earnhardt (RIP 2/18/01)
Waltrip, Kentucky, Anybody but North Carolina
To reply, you gotta do what NASCAR won't -- remove the restrictor plates!