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Marc Fannin

Aug 4, 2005, 6:48:05 PM8/4/05
I was able to return to Berrien County, Michigan (southwest corner of
the lower peninsula). Following are comments. (Anything notable not
listed is probably included in a prior report - see . Not all contruction encountered
is listed.) To follow along, start at or,-81.372299&spn=0.039853,0.087736
and scroll westward. :)

August 3, from I-90 at Ohio SR-306 (Exit 193, Mentor):

Route: I-90 WB (parts with SR-2) to SR-2 WB (near Elyria) to SR-53 SB
to I-80/90 WB to US-31 NB


- You may have heard about the planes at Cleveland's Burke Lakefront
Airport (next to the infamous Dead Man's Curve on I-90 at SR-2 Exit
174B) being tossed around in a severe storm last week
I had also heard on the radio at the time about a loose sign in the
road. Going through the interchange yesterday, I figured out what they
were talking about. The last advance BGS for SR-2 had its topped
ripped off. Similar to the sign in (but the next gantry after the one
pictured), everything above "Downtown" was gone except the vertical
supports. Looked weird, like a truck had clipped it, but the
"clipping" was on top....

- Meta-warning: In the construction zone on I-90 in Rocky River, Ohio,
there were construction diamond warning signs saying "RUMBLE STRIPS".
I have seen a permanent version of this (with the word "AHEAD") on PA
SR-285 approaching an intersection just inside the Ohio border near the
Pymatuning Reservoir.

- As I mentioned earlier, the SR-2 freeway at the east end has
ARTIMIS-style 2/10 milemarkers
( ) with the zero point being the
Indiana line.
The SR-2 freeway in Lorain County has these with the Erie County line
as the zero point. This is in addition to Interstate-style (whole
number) milemarkers and exit numbers, all set to the county line (see ).

- Stopoff at the approaches to the demolished Sandusky Bay lift bridge
(former SR-2, later SR-269, see for a 2000 visit). The
approaches were being used for ODOT vehicle storage in conjunction with
bridge repair on the adjacent SR-2/269 crossing.

- On the Ohio Turnpike/80/90, saw a semi with "S.F. - N.J. Trucking" or
something similar, and thought how appropriate that was being on I-80;
however, the headquarters (wish I could remember the name) were in St.
Paul, Minnesota.

- I-280/SR-420 interchange: Just before the interchange WB, there used
to be a sign directing travellers "TO {75} NORTH / Detroit", stemming
from the fact that the I-75 interchange on the Turnpike is a recent
addition, plus, even with the I-75 interchange, I-280 is usually a good
cut-off. Now, for whatever reason, likely because of the I-280
construction over the Maumee River in Toledo (construction of a
cable-stayed bridge to replace the existing drawbridge ), the legend has been changed to "TO
[420] SOUTH / Stony Ridge". Unfortunately, that's deceptive, as the
road south at the exit *is* SR-420. Also, traffic entering the
Turnpike WB had been routed onto the new exit ramps, just east of the
old ones, but WB exiting traffic still used the old ramps. The new
entrance ramp went behind the old ramps before merging with the
mainline, a configuration that looked like it could be permanent
(although I'm not sure it will be since I've never seen maps of the
final configuration).


- No backups at the booth at the west end of the Ohio Turnpike or the
one at the east end of the Indiana Toll Road (yes, both are considering
transponder systems), but a major backup on a Toll Road resurfacing
project west of I-69.

- Stopped at the Ernie Pyle Travel Plaza on the Toll Road (MM 126
westbound), and was happy to see that there is now a dedicated area for
tourist information in the old game room, rather than just the old
brochure rack by the main entrance. Still no transportation maps,
though, only tourist maps (the transportation map slathered with
tourist ads and no city insets). There were cards for construction in
NW Indiana and Chicago, one by the Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee
transportation entity
( ) and one specifically for the Borman
Expressway (I-80/94) by INDOT. The latter was a postcard. Yes, a
postcard. There was room on the back on the right side for an address
and a stamp. "Wish You Weren't Here!"

- The Indiana Toll Road has had its signage upgraded near South
Bend/Mishawaka/Elkhart. Approaching Exit 96 (Elkhart CR-17), just past
the "Elkhart East 1 MILE" sign, was a small supplemental sign
mentioning CR 17 and M-217. Finally. Unfortunately, between thinking
that that would be the only mention of the routes, and my tourist-like
distraction looking at the southeast corner of the interchange where
there was an animated sign posted and a field being cleared for the,
uh, Recreational Vehicle/Motor Home Hall of Fame and Museum (really: ), I looked up just in time to see
that the BGS at the exit now included a CR-17 pentagon to the left of
"Elkhart East" (even though Elkhart County doesn't use pentagons) and
an M-217 marker, Michigan-style (no "M", numbers centered), so my
camera wasn't ready. Oops. The South Bend/Mishawaka exits sign just
before Exit 83 (read on) had also been replaced - before it simply gave
the mileage to the next three exits; now it shows their route shields
and gives the mileage from each exit to two destinations for each (I
did geta photo of that). As mentioned before, a SR-331 sign has been
added to the top of the left side of each BGS for Exit 83 (timeline of
the 331 relocation: ). However, I let three signs
pass (1 mile, 1/2 mile, "NEXT RIGHT") before taking a picture of the
one right at the exit, so I could get the exit in the background, but
IT WASN'T THERE. 1-for-3 [jumping up and down in frustration] Maybe I
can get the two I missed on the way back....


I attempted a shot of the remnants of the left-turn pavement markings
immediately before the M-139 underpass (Exit 15) on US-31 NB near
Berrien Springs, from when 31 ended temporarily at a traffic light
there (1992-c.1998). I hope it comes out because there were orange
markings on the pavement in the area, meaning that they're likely going
to rebuild it soon (they already wrer further south around US-12).


August 4, various roads in greater Berrien/Van Buren Counties in

- As noted before, I-196/US-31 goes through a sandy area a few miles
north of I-196's southern terminus, due to the proximity to Lake
Michigan and its sand dunes. However, most of it is grown over with
vegetation, so you wouldn't know it's sand except in the few existing
bald spots, and a couple depressions ("blowouts"?) just across the tree
line, although the inside shoulders looked a bit sandy as well.

- Clearview sightings: "Lake Michigan College/South Haven" on
I-196/US-31 approaching Phoenix Road (the north end of South Haven's
I-196 BL, Exit 20). NB the "South Haven/Next 3 Exits" might also be,
but I couldn't tell for sure.

- Visited the MDOT Coloma Transportation Service Center near
I-196/US-31 Exit 1 (Red Arrow Highway, old US-12, ancient US-12/31).
Asked what I could get. Was told it was a business office. The nice
but bewildered employee appeased me with a couple MDOT '05's and a
couple "Paving the Way 2005" construction brochures. :)

- Tower Drive, a residential street just outside Benton Harbor, need to
change its name because the high-tension towers which ran along it (the
wires were directly above the road) have been moved, likely because of
an expansion of the nearby Southwest Michigan Regional Airport. (No,
it doesn't really need to change its name....)

The report for the rest of the trip (undoubtedly along with half a
dozen things I forgot above) will be in a reply to this message, and
might include a side trip.

Marc Fannin| or|
Posting from lovely Lincoln Township, Michigan, just east of

[See also Y!GLR]


Aug 4, 2005, 7:40:21 PM8/4/05

"Marc Fannin" <> wrote in message

> - The Indiana Toll Road has had its signage upgraded near South
> Bend/Mishawaka/Elkhart. Approaching Exit 96 (Elkhart CR-17), just past
> the "Elkhart East 1 MILE" sign, was a small supplemental sign
> mentioning CR 17 and M-217. Finally. Unfortunately, between thinking
> that that would be the only mention of the routes, and my tourist-like
> distraction looking at the southeast corner of the interchange where
> there was an animated sign posted and a field being cleared for the,
> uh, Recreational Vehicle/Motor Home Hall of Fame and Museum (really:
> ), I looked up just in time to see
> that the BGS at the exit now included a CR-17 pentagon to the left of
> "Elkhart East" (even though Elkhart County doesn't use pentagons) and
> an M-217 marker, Michigan-style (no "M", numbers centered), so my
> camera wasn't ready. Oops.

I happened to be in Michigan on business the past two days. I missed the
pentagon, but did get this sign at the CR 17 exit.

The South Bend/Mishawaka exits sign just
> before Exit 83 (read on) had also been replaced - before it simply gave
> the mileage to the next three exits; now it shows their route shields
> and gives the mileage from each exit to two destinations for each (I
> did geta photo of that).

Marc Fannin

Aug 8, 2005, 7:52:52 PM8/8/05
Note: Some comments below refer to threads in different forums.
GLR: See the thread tree under the message at

Marc Fannin wrote:

> I was able to return to Berrien County, Michigan (southwest corner of
> the lower peninsula). Following are comments. (Anything notable not
> listed is probably included in a prior report - see
> . Not all contruction encountered
> is listed.) To follow along, start at
> or
> and scroll westward. :)

> [August 3 and 4 mostly snipped]

> The report for the rest of the trip (undoubtedly along with half a
> dozen things I forgot above) will be in a reply to this message, and
> might include a side trip.

August 5:

Route: US-31 SB to I-80/90 EB to SR-15 SB to SR-34 WB to SR-49 NB to

I-80/90 WB to US-31 NB


- Formerly IIRC the only Old US-31 marker assemblies in Berrien County
were at the approaches to the turn in downtown Berrien Springs.
Now there is an assembly above the destination sign next to the
preexisting M-139 assembly
(previously looked like )
on the US-31 SB Exit 15 offramp.


- There still is a "HOOSIER HOSPITALITY IS NO ACCIDENT" black-on-white
sign on US-31 just past the Indiana line, and it looks like the one
that's always been there judging from the yellowing.

- No "control" of controls: At the US-31/I-80/90/Nimtz Parkway
interchange, the control for US-31 NB from Nimtz as well as on US-31
mainline is "Michigan"
but on the Toll Road ramps it's "Niles MI"
At the next interchange north (Bus. 31/Cleveland/Brick Roads) it's
"Benton Harbor". This is likely a holdover from when this section of
freeway only ran north to US-12, but the sign there now is brand new (a
tipoff was the larger "N" in "NORTH").
(Aside: The ramps to US-31 in that interchange are labelled on street
signs as "US 31 NE RAMP" or "US 31 NW RAMP" depending on the corner of
the flipped diamond
I'm thinking "N" and "S" rather than "NW" and "NE" would be clearer.)
The control for US-31 NB in Michigan is consistently "Holland".

> - The Indiana Toll Road has had its signage upgraded near South
> Bend/Mishawaka/Elkhart. Approaching Exit 96 (Elkhart CR-17), just past
> the "Elkhart East 1 MILE" sign, was a small supplemental sign
> mentioning CR 17 and M-217. Finally. Unfortunately, between thinking
> that that would be the only mention of the routes, and my tourist-like
> distraction looking at the southeast corner of the interchange where
> there was an animated sign posted and a field being cleared for the,
> uh, Recreational Vehicle/Motor Home Hall of Fame and Museum (really:
> ), I looked up just in time to see
> that the BGS at the exit now included a CR-17 pentagon to the left of
> "Elkhart East" (even though Elkhart County doesn't use pentagons) and
> an M-217 marker, Michigan-style (no "M", numbers centered), so my
> camera wasn't ready. Oops.

In my defense, I was trying to remember what "RV/MH" stood for, plus
the leveller was kicking dust onto the Toll Road, so I was looking for
the source of the dust....

(BTW, as mentioned elsewhere in the m.t.r thread, there also is now an
M-217 shield among the ramp signs.)

> The South Bend/Mishawaka exits sign just
> before Exit 83 (read on) had also been replaced - before it simply gave
> the mileage to the next three exits; now it shows their route shields
> and gives the mileage from each exit to two destinations for each (I
> did get a photo of that).

See the photo in the aforementioned reply. It actually still only
identifies the distances to the respective exits from the sign.

> As mentioned before, a SR-331 sign has been
> added to the top of the left side of each BGS for Exit 83 (timeline of
> the 331 relocation:
> ). However, I let three signs
> pass (1 mile, 1/2 mile, "NEXT RIGHT") before taking a picture of the
> one right at the exit, so I could get the exit in the background, but
> IT WASN'T THERE. 1-for-3 [jumping up and down in frustration] Maybe I
> can get the two I missed on the way back....

It wasn't there EB, either, but this time I was prepared, between the
trip out and the fact that the EB approach is a straightaway, not a
curve, so I could see farther ahead and got the "NEXT RIGHT" one.

- I've been spoiled by construction zones in northeasternmost Ohio on
I-90. When traffic in one direction shares the other direction's
pavement, the shoulders are repaved and restriped as travel lanes, with
signs "RIGHT LANE MUST USE SHOULDER". Projects on the Indiana Toll
Road do it the old-fashioned way, one lane per direction. The reason
is apparent when reaching the original overpasses: The shoulders
virtually disappear.

- Also construction-related: Some states now use "END ROAD WORK"
instead of "END CONSTRUCTION", presumedly because the sign is narrower,
and therefore cheaper to produce. Indiana still uses "END
CONSTRUCTION", but it's now in a narrower typeface, so the sign comes
out just as narrow anyway....

- One for the "Same city name, same highway, different state" thread on
m.t.r: Fremont is a primary destination on I-80/90 in Ohio at SR-53,
and a secondary one in Indiana at I-69/SR-120/SR-127.

- I've never mentioned the diamond warning signs at the Toll Road
eastern toll booth: It's a "road narrows" sign, but both sides widen,
and dashes are put in the middle to designate lanes (not the exact
amount, but a generalization). Approaching the booth this sign is
posted upside down, as appropriate.


In the dining room of the Burger King on SR-49 at I-80/90, there are
four side-by-side clocks, one each for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and
Illinois. (Search the archives for the Indiana DST situation, I'm not
going to rehash it here)


August 6 from I-94 at Michigan Exit 39 (Millburg/Coloma):

Route: I-94 EB to US-23 SB (part with I-475) to I-90 (via Dussel
Drive/US-20) (part with I-80) to I-490 WB to I-77 NB to I-90 EB


- Just east of M-140 (Exit 41) on I-94, there used to be a destination
sign in both miles and kilometers. It's been replaced with an ordinary
miles-only one.

- The "Wake up!"-type shoulder rumble strips on I-94 have a short
intermittent section which goes all the way to the outside edge of the
pavement. The rest (about 3 lengths per 1 length of the other) is
ordinary, stopping well short of the pavement edge.

- The Exit 108 (I-69) "gore" sign is, and has been for a while,
actually attached to an overpass.

- A construction sign at the M-199 exit northwest of Albion identifies
M-199 as "HWY 199". This is the first time I've seen an MDOT sign
identifying an "M" highway without the "M", even with something like
"Highway M-xx". Out-of-state contractor, perhaps?

- All of the diamonds for M-routes on I-94's BGSs that I saw are
elongated, contrary to what I reported last year. It must be only the
M-139 shields on US-31 (etc.)
that I've seen that are right-angle (plus of course the ones on the
Indiana Toll Road, see above).

- One BGS east of Battle Creek identifies in its exit tab "EXITS
104-103" like an "A-B" (or in this case a "B-A") situation. Looking at
the interchanges, that's the right call.,-85.083125&spn=0.005337,0.010987
(104 is 11 Mile Road, 103 is I-94 BL/M-96 WB)

- The pavement markings in handicapped spaces in the I-94 EB rest area
near Jackson (and presumedly elsewhere in the state) are actually mats
affixed to the pavement.

> - Visited the MDOT Coloma Transportation Service Center near
> I-196/US-31 Exit 1 (Red Arrow Highway, old US-12, ancient US-12/31).
> Asked what I could get. Was told it was a business office. The nice
> but bewildered employee appeased me with a couple MDOT '05's and a
> couple "Paving the Way 2005" construction brochures. :)

In contrast, the Jackson TSC on M-106 is identified outright on I-94 as
an official tourist information center.

- Emergency I-94 ( ) exists
past Jackson, almost to Ann Arbor. That's well past most places that
are affected by [Great] lake-effect snow events.

- Have the exits on both sides of M-52 always been identified as "Old
US - 12"? It IS former US-12 of course, but IIRC the signs have not
identified it as such in the past.

- There are rectangular "SLOW TRAFFIC ENTERING AHEAD" warning signs
around Ann Arbor just before merge signs. I'd expect one before the
onramp to I-94 EB at the west end of Ann Arbor's I-94 BL (and there is
one, with flashing yellow lights above), but I also saw them at State
St. There also was one near Jackson. (In addition, the Indiana Toll
Road had yellow diamond signs with similar messages at the onramps from
the truck-only parking areas, former service areas, just east of the
US-131/SR-13 exit.)

> - Clearview sightings: "Lake Michigan College/South Haven" on
> I-196/US-31 approaching Phoenix Road (the north end of South Haven's
> I-196 BL, Exit 20). NB the "South Haven/Next 3 Exits" might also be,
> but I couldn't tell for sure.

More: The Willow Road overpass sign on US-23 SB (but not NB) just north
of Milan.

- It looked like the abandoned temporary route of US-23 in Milan was
(Look just east of the SB onramp, flip over to the topo map for more

- The single SB onramp only south of M-50 gets me every time.
This is a complement to a NB only one further north.,-85.083125&spn=0.005337,0.010987
(scroll up)

- Overpasses on US-23 in this area have a blue rubbery stripe running
alomg the outsides of the bottoms of the bridge rails.


- Lots of new BGSs on the I-475/US-23 section. The BGS for US-23 NB
approaching the I-475/US-23 stack now has "LEFT" (actually more
straight ahead) in black-on-yellow withing the green field (in Ohio
this has only been capitalized in white). The SR-2 BGSs gave the
airplane symbol for the Toledo Express Airport equal billing as the
SR-2 shield:

"{2}[Large airplane symbol]
Airport Hwy"

And, oh, yeah, more large-letter-first cardinal directions.

- The I-475/US-23 SB ramps at SR-2 have the same signal cycle as both
sides of the SR-2/306 interchange in Mentor: There are two offramps and
one onramp, with one cycle for the offramps and a left arrow for the
onramp, and the other for through traffic on the cross road. If the
left is permissive (yield on green ball) and right turn on red is
allowed from the ramps, this is an efficient cycle.

> - I-280/SR-420 interchange: Just before the interchange WB, there used
> to be a sign directing travellers "TO {75} NORTH / Detroit", stemming
> from the fact that the I-75 interchange on the Turnpike is a recent
> addition, plus, even with the I-75 interchange, I-280 is usually a good
> cut-off. Now, for whatever reason, likely because of the I-280
> construction over the Maumee River in Toledo (construction of a
> cable-stayed bridge to replace the existing drawbridge
> ), the legend has been changed to "TO
> [420] SOUTH / Stony Ridge". Unfortunately, that's deceptive, as the
> road south at the exit *is* SR-420.

As noted in a reply on GLR, EB has I-280 as the only route on the main
signs, with SR-420 as a supplement (even though both meet the Turnpike
there), and WB's signs are in a storage yard waiting to be installed.

> Also, traffic entering the
> Turnpike WB had been routed onto the new exit ramps, just east of the
> old ones, but WB exiting traffic still used the old ramps. The new
> entrance ramp went behind the old ramps before merging with the
> mainline, a configuration that looked like it could be permanent
> (although I'm not sure it will be since I've never seen maps of the
> final configuration).

Looking at it again, the new ramps may be a simple trunpet after all.
It's just that the jughandle/loop pair to/from the WB lanes will be in
the northwest corner of the potential new trumpet, while the original
trumpet has them in the northeast, or IOW the new ramps will go where
the old ones are already, so they have to work around both sets.

- The I-90 (Exit 142) toll both is undergoing major renovations and or
"Turnpike exit a real time killer" (8/3/05)
but there was no delay since detour signage was all over the place
(there was a signed I-90 detour but the BGS only said "CONSTRUCTION",
not "CLOSED", and the booth was open).

- The dogleg in Cleveland was due to I-90 being closed at the Innerbelt

[I accidentally erased most of this once, let's see if I can get the
rewrite posted]

Gary V

Aug 9, 2005, 8:39:26 AM8/9/05

Marc Fannin wrote:
> - Have the exits on both sides of M-52 always been identified as "Old
> US - 12"? It IS former US-12 of course, but IIRC the signs have not
> identified it as such in the past.

These were changed a few years ago - maybe 3-4 as I recall. Perhaps
the Chelsea area is attempting to create some historical perspective?

Marc Fannin

Aug 12, 2005, 4:10:35 PM8/12/05
Gary V wrote:

> Marc Fannin wrote:
> > - Have the exits [on I-94 MI] on both sides of M-52 always been

> > identified as "Old
> > US - 12"? It IS former US-12 of course, but IIRC the signs have not
> > identified it as such in the past.
> These were changed a few years ago - maybe 3-4 as I recall. Perhaps
> the Chelsea area is attempting to create some historical perspective?

I don't think that's it, as the name of the road is actually "Old
US-12" as confirmed by Google Maps, MapQuest, and
I guess it's a matter of why MDOT decided to identify the road name on
the BGSs when it usually only lists destinations in rural areas. So if
any historical perspective identification is being attempted, it's MDOT
that's initiating it....

Gary V

Aug 15, 2005, 9:16:58 AM8/15/05

Marc Fannin wrote:
> Gary V wrote:
> > Marc Fannin wrote:
> >
> > > - Have the exits [on I-94 MI] on both sides of M-52 always been
> > > identified as "Old
> > > US - 12"? It IS former US-12 of course, but IIRC the signs have not
> > > identified it as such in the past.
> >
> > These were changed a few years ago - maybe 3-4 as I recall. Perhaps
> > the Chelsea area is attempting to create some historical perspective?
> I don't think that's it, as the name of the road is actually "Old
> US-12" as confirmed by Google Maps, MapQuest, and
> I guess it's a matter of why MDOT decided to identify the road name on
> the BGSs when it usually only lists destinations in rural areas. So if
> any historical perspective identification is being attempted, it's MDOT
> that's initiating it....

There are a number of exits along I-94 in that area (and further to the
east as well) that are identified with road names, not towns. Same as
on I-75 from Bay County south. Probably because there are more exits
than usual in rural areas, more exits than towns.

As I recall, the exits in question used to be id'd as Jackson Road,
which is what Mapquest calls it SW of Exit 157, the last few miles in
Washtenaw Co. (Across the line in Jackson Co it is Michigan Ave; that
name is used from that point far to the west, perhaps all the way to L
Mich or IN.) East of Exit 162 it is also called Jackson Road in
Mapquest, matching up with that designation in Ann Arbor.

Who changed the name and why, I don't know.

I haven't travelled Old US-12 itself, just I-94 multitudes of times.
Someday when I have lots of time (ha!) I should try it.

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