>Memo to self:
>Don't offer anything to Jeff for his website.
Oh no, what will happen to Pennsylvania Highways? Maybe I'll get
information from people who actually reside in Pennsylvania.
When did you ever offer anything to my website? The only person of
roadfan.com that has ever sent me anything is Marc. So is he also included
in the embargo?
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
Well lets see here.
First, it was memo to self. Not Marc, not Adam, not Bobby Peacock. To
myself. Don't know how anyone else got involved in this *embargo.*
Second. Why should I send anything to you, if you won't credit me. You
already said that you wouldn't credit those who do research and then offer
the research to others. So, I have nothing to offer you then.
So go back to your kareoke bars or wherever else you've been sense Monday.
Everyone else has moved on from this subject.
> --
> Jeff Kitsko
> Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
> Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
> Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
Sandor G
Graduate - Ohio State, March 02
Well, I asked since you two are a part of roadfan.com.
> Second. Why should I send anything to you, if you won't credit me. You
> already said that you wouldn't credit those who do research and then offer
> the research to others. So, I have nothing to offer you then.
As I said before, I credit people who do the work. If you drew the map,
then you get the credit. SPUI sent me a ton of map scans for the Pittsburgh
Unbuilt Expressways page, and he got credit at the bottom of the index page.
I didn't credit each map scan.
> So go back to your kareoke bars or wherever else you've been sense Monday.
You mean "since?" Sorry I have a social life and friends. I don't spend my
weeks waiting to pounce on everything people do on their web pages or post
in MTR. And for your information, the reason that I don't post during the
week is that I have a life and don't really care to read MTR every minute.
I beg to differ,
http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/expwys/unbuilt/n-sparkwy.html are among
other pages I have sent information about and have been credited.
Also, since my name was added into this (see above, I don't recall seeing
Jeff say he was going to use the information.) When you asked if Jeff justs
*takes* stuff, he would have had the images on his webpage and not give you
credit. He never stated that a) he has ever done that b) it was also said
that Jeff was correct in sourcing the PA DOH c) you also stated that your
comments are actually not necessary d) the material wasn't specifically
offered to jeff and he declined in using the material
I think the accusation of Jeff *taking* material is a bit exaggerated. If
he wasn't going to use the material in the first place, why do you have any
issues then?
> So go back to your kareoke bars or wherever else you've been sense Monday.
> Everyone else has moved on from this subject.
Devils adcovate time,obviously we have not since you and now myself have
revisited the subject.
> > > >Memo to self:
> > > >Don't offer anything to Jeff for his website.
> > >
> > > Oh no, what will happen to Pennsylvania Highways? Maybe I'll get
> > > information from people who actually reside in Pennsylvania.
> > >
> > > When did you ever offer anything to my website? The only person of
> > > roadfan.com that has ever sent me anything is Marc. So is he also
> > included
> > > in the embargo?
> >
> > Well lets see here.
> > First, it was memo to self. Not Marc, not Adam, not Bobby Peacock. To
> > myself. Don't know how anyone else got involved in this *embargo.*
> Well, I asked since you two are a part of roadfan.com.
> > Second. Why should I send anything to you, if you won't credit me. You
> > already said that you wouldn't credit those who do research and then
> > the research to others. So, I have nothing to offer you then.
> As I said before, I credit people who do the work. If you drew the map,
> then you get the credit. SPUI sent me a ton of map scans for the
> Unbuilt Expressways page, and he got credit at the bottom of the index
> I didn't credit each map scan.
Here is my point of contention with you (at the moment)
>Jeff wrote
> I also agree. It is my website, and I am the one who has the say on what
> goes on it. I would think that the proper credit go to the Pennsylvania
> Department of Highways or whoever drew the map.
> I credit the original source of the work whether it be photo, map, or
> If I just "*take*" stuff, then one of those maps would already be up on my
476 page.
Now I'm confused. You told me earlier that you wouldn't credit the person
who copied, took, research, found maps, but then you go say you credited
SPUI for his Pittsburgh map scans.
What's with the double standard?! Again, why should I send you anything if
I won't get acknowledged?
> --
> Jeff Kitsko
> Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
> Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
> Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
> Now I'm confused. You told me earlier that you wouldn't credit the person
> who copied, took, research, found maps, but then you go say you credited
> SPUI for his Pittsburgh map scans.
The reason being is that without Dan's help, I wouldn't have known what the
names of the expressways were or where they would be routed. Therefore, his
research helped to shape the direction of the unbuilt expressways section.
Hence the reason he is credited with helping at the bottom of the index
> What's with the double standard?! Again, why should I send you anything
> I won't get acknowledged?
If you made your mind up not to send me anything, then why do you keep
saying it? I understand that you are not going to send me anything.
I don't even require that, although it is good to have it (and I always give
Correction. Kareoke night is only on Thursdays. The rest of the week
before-hand would've been specials on drafts, pitchers, and also mug nights.
As for embargoes, I have none.
Douglas Kerr
MTR's resident drunk
> Why is it that only people from PA *still* refer to this as the "blue route"
> Listening to PA radio there're plenty of announcements for such and such
> just off exit 4 or so of the blue-route. Nobody outside of Delaware County
> knows or cares about the Blue Route-----It's know as the Mid County
> Expressway or just I-476....
Um, the term "Blue Route" entered the language in the Philadelphia area to
describe this highway (and I presume you know the history of the phrase).
That's why you hear it used in local radio and TV traffic reports.
"Mid-County Expressway" is its official name, but people use that term
about as often as they use "Delaware Expressway" to refer to I-95. Radio
traffic reports are, as they should be, aimed at the local commuters who
are the source of the traffic jams the reports advise you about.
Usually, when you hear the words "Mid-County" on local traffic reports,
they're referring to the PA Turnpike interchange of that name at the
expressway's northern end, where it ties into the Turnpike at its junction
with the Northeast Extension.
Sandy Smith, Univ of Pennsylvania / 215.898.1423 / smi...@pobox.upenn.edu
Managing Editor, _Pennsylvania Current_ cur...@pobox.upenn.edu
Penn Web Team -- Web Editor webm...@isc.upenn.edu
I speak for myself here, not Penn http://pobox.upenn.edu/~smiths/
"Beware of defining as intelligent only those who share your opinions."
--------------------------------------------------------------Ugo Ojetti--
Well, I live in Montgomery County, and nobody here -- or anywhere else in
the region that I've ever heard -- calls it anything but "the Blue Route" or
occasionally "476." Nobody ever calls it "the Mid-County Expressway."
> ...exactly my point, but try to give directions to someone driving from out
> of state telling them to "take 95 to the blue route". The'll call lost from
> NJ or Delaware.
Okay, that's a valid point, but telling that person to "take 95 to the
Mid-County" will not help them any either.
I mean, everyone in the Philadelphia region knows what the Schuylkill
Expressway is, and that's the road's official name to boot. But the only
place you will find signs bearing that term is within the city limits of
Philadelphia, where the city has erected some standard street name signs
where South Street meets the exit ramps from the highway. Otherwise,
out-of-towners need to translate the highway's name to its number, I-76.
If the terms cannot be found on *signs* those out-of-state motorists can
use, then the terms are indeed useless for non-locals, even if they are
official names. Which is why I like the practice of putting freeway names
on the guide signs in urban areas, as is done in NYC and LA and very few
other large cities.
Los Angeles has abandoned the practice, and the names are disappearing as
signs are replaced. A stupid change, IMO; when you have 20+ freeways in a
metro area, the names are a lot easier to remember than numbers.
It would be nice if they used the route numbers. Example: The first
time I drove through Chicago, in heavy traffic of course, I was
listening to the local AM news radio station and heard a traffic
report of an accident and long back ups on the "Jack Ryan". Well, in
the middle of heavy urban traffic, I'm fumbling for my Rand McNally
trying to figure out if I was on the "Jack Ryan". I was, and took an
exit just in time to an alternate route.
I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to add the route neumbers
to the traffic report to help the visitors.
> It would be nice if they used the route numbers. Example: The first
> time I drove through Chicago, in heavy traffic of course, I was
> listening to the local AM news radio station and heard a traffic
> report of an accident and long back ups on the "Jack Ryan". Well, in
> the middle of heavy urban traffic, I'm fumbling for my Rand McNally
> trying to figure out if I was on the "Jack Ryan". I was, and took an
> exit just in time to an alternate route.
YM "Dan Ryan." HTH.
You make your point with this slip of the tongue, though.
Sandy Smith, Univ of Pennsylvania / 215.898.1423 / smi...@pobox.upenn.edu
Managing Editor, _Pennsylvania Current_ cur...@pobox.upenn.edu
Penn Web Team -- Web Editor webm...@isc.upenn.edu
I speak for myself here, not Penn http://pobox.upenn.edu/~smiths/
"People haven't time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in
stores. But since there are no stores where one can buy friends, people
no longer have friends."
--------------------from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry--
Is Jack Ryan the hero in the Tom Clancy books? Maybe that's where I
got that from.