has photos from your old home...plus I will be addign more to them tonight
"Jake Trexel" <jtr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
"Jake Trexel" <jtr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
Currently on Jeff's Page, http://www.pahighways.com/exits/PA56exits.html ,
PA 56 ends at PA 366 in New Kensington. Even before this page was
introduced that's where I though the terminus was. We do know that at one
time PA 56 ended at the AVE, PA 28,
http://www.gribblenation.com/papics/oldsigns2/PA28Exit12BGS.jpg .
However, in the e-mails I have received. Signs direct PA 56 over the
Allegheny River. Once you cross the River there are no more PA 56 signs.
One suggestion is that PA 56, like PA 910, ends at old PA 28 which is
Freeport Road. So which end is it. Is it PA 366 or Freeport Road or some
other place?
Anyone out there have additional information or know the truth to this end.
"Jake Trexel" <jtr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
This was in the late 70's. PA 28 used to end at the Cheswick exit ( the one
you have the BGS of). To get to New Kensington you turned left off the
exit and followed that road to a stop sign at Riddle Run Road which took
you to old 28 and you could turn left and go to the New Kensington bridge.
There were no other signs for 56 until you got off the bridge and went into
New Ken. In the early 80's, they completed more of 28 and they ended the
road south of Tarentum by the PPG plant. You had to follow Old 28 through
Tarentum and Natrona Heights to the steep hill before Freeport and turn left
to get back onto new 28.
John and Barb B.
Riddle Run Road, is that the road that is very narrow and windy just past
Butler-Logan Road?
I was told once that 56 actually ran through Springdale and the borough
demanded truck traffic be reduced. So, they removed the New Kensington
designation of the now Cheswick Springdale exit. Further down the road
there is a sign 'Trucks to New Kensington use Exit 12' (I think its 12)
When you go to mapquest and zoom in on the New Kensington bridge, it says 56
right on the middle of the bridge, but anything on the westbound side of the
bridge is no trace of 56.
I guess they lost track of it when they finished 28 in those parts.
"Barb B." <Ba...@dontbother.com> wrote in message
.PDF it appears to end at the intersection of 7th St and 4th Ave. TRUCK 56
(also 4087) ends somewhere around there too, while on 3rd Ave or Industrial
Blvd. The bridge itself is 1038.
F doesn't have 56 at all (that side of the bridge is 1038), so 56 ends at
7th St/4th Ave.
Dan Moraseski - Going into 14th grade at MIT
http://spui.cjb.net - FL NJ MA route logs and exit lists
Editor of http://roadlinks.cjb.net (highway cat of Open Directory Project)
http://ridot.cjb.net - why RIDOT sucks
Yep it is. That was the shortcut road we used to take to bypass Springdale
(if you were driving a truck). There used to be a good greasy spoon on the
right before the New Ken bridge, after the *cheap* siding place.
>I was told once that 56 actually ran through Springdale and the borough
>demanded truck traffic be reduced. So, they removed the New Kensington
Don't know for a fact that 56 ran through Springdale, but did take the
shortcut road to bypass the traffic and red lights.
>When you go to mapquest and zoom in on the New Kensington bridge, it says
>right on the middle of the bridge, but anything on the westbound side of
>bridge is no trace of 56.
The map book we have also has 56 ending in the middle of the bridge (C.L.
Schmitt bridge).
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
"N.Markowitz" <nmark...@earthlink.net> wrote in message
According to
F that's at the I-279/I-579 interchange. The surface road once the freeway
starts is 4084.
I'm gonna go with my own eyes on this one...
Then again living there for 22 years helped too
"SPUI" <sp...@mit.NOSPDAMMedu> wrote in message
"Jeff Kitsko" <jjki...@home.com> wrote in message
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
"SPUI" <sp...@mit.NOSPDAMMedu> wrote in message
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
"Adam Prince" <apri...@HISPAMMERScarolina.rr.com> wrote in message
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It is at the Parkway right by Channel 4.
"EdB" <e...@salsgiver.com> wrote in message
Jeff Kitsko
Pennsylvania Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/
Pittsburgh Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/pghhwys/
Philadelphia Highways: http://www.pahighways.com/phlhwys/
"EdB" <e...@salsgiver.com> wrote in message