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A lot of my friends are wlw (including both lesbians and bi/pan/queer women) and it's a persistent complaint among wlw that when two women come together, nothing happens because both want the other to make the first move. People joke about it a lot, but it's a real problem. So this is probably part of what you're dealing with.
That said, there's also a large degree to which, if people aren't initiating and aren't putting much effort in, it's because they're not interested. Like this:
A lot of the girls I’ve talked to are so stuck up, play hard to get, or ghost me.
just screams not interested. My question for you is: are these women really wasting your time, or are you wasting your own time by continuing to try with them when they're not interested in you? Maybe the issue here is that you're not picking up or not respecting their "no" signals. Or are you messaging, pursuing, or initiating connection with people whose profiles make clear that they're looking something incompatible with what you want? That would also be on you.
Now, if someone is actively expressing interest but then withdrawing when you try to make things happen, that's a different problem. That's what I'd call mixed signals and that's when I would say people might be "wasting your time". But it's still kind of on you to recognize that once you start to see a pattern.
I agree with others who say that if you aren't open to romance, you're going to limit your pool somewhat. However, there are women who want sexual-but-not-romantic connections with other women, and they're going to be finding just as slim pickings as you. This makes me think that the problem here is you not reading or respecting people's signals, i.e. not "self-selecting" who you are messaging or trying to connect with.
One last comment...the fact that these women's lack of interest in you leads you to label them as "stuck up" makes me wonder if there is some frustration or bitterness on your end. I'm not saying you started off like this, but you seem to have developed it along the way. If you go into your search with a negative attitude, it'll come through and further reduce your chances. Maybe step back and get into a more positive mindset, really visualizing what sort of connection you want, as a really positive thing that involves abundant respect for the people you're connecting with. Then project that as you reach out to people, and you'll probably find you have better results!
Lastly, consider giving up online dating and apps; I personally find them to be a cesspit of negativity. I have so much better results trying to connect with people in-person, like meeting people through in-person events and activities, friends of friends, parties, etc. Even setting like bars and cafes can be better than online because of the face-to-face connection and the potential for you to see how each other interacts with other people and the environment. And in-person connections allow you to feel a stronger or more intense attraction than you usually can get online, which facilitates connecting. Your problem might be that you're trying through apps and online dating.
And Tinder in particular is famous for being shallow and leading people to treat each other as disposable, so if you don't have a thick skin with respect to being ignored or ghosted, it's a terrible choice.