She Was Falsely Accused of Cheating With AI -- And She Won't Be the
UC Davis student Louise Stivers became the victim of her college's
attempts to root out essays and exams completed by chat bots
LOUISE STIVERS HAS always had her homework checked by software.
A 21-year-old political science major from Santa Barbara about to
graduate at University of California, Davis, with plans to attend law
school, Stivers grew up in an age when students are expected to submit
written assignments through anti-plagiarism tools such as Turnitin.
Educators rely on these services to evaluate text and flag any that
appears to be copied from existing sources, and she never ran afoul of
one. But these days, school administrations are also on the lookout
for assignments completed with generative AI. That's how Stivers wound
up in trouble -- even though she hadn't cheated.
"I was, like, freaking out," she tells Rolling Stone.