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Remove lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from Tulsa Grievance Committee

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Jun 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/25/97

Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
because she hates men.

Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at her daddy's
law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and plays at being
in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to make Robyn
barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this good enough
Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".

Robyn brags about her college and law school days where she drank her
weight in Scotch and freely admits she can't remember a thing because of
all the blackouts. Any lawyer who went through law school in an alcoholic
blackout and brags about it should be kicked off the Grievance Committee.

When Robyn was growing up she played racket ball just to beat the boys.
Then she got hurt and started to exercise by swimming and doing water
aerobics in the pool with 400 pound bimbos whom she still hits on. Robyn's
most recent lesbian lover is a Tulsa police woman who makes Robyn give
great face. In return, Robyn takes a great horned dildo right up the gazoo
end. Robyn is the doll, but requires multiple bull dykes to whip her into
submission (just like Daddy Owens used to do with his limp dick in front of
mama who died of broken heart when she learned Robyn was fay as a fairy).

Robyn has 21 god children, and tells absolutely everyone about them, hoping
some of them will grow up to hate men and practice lesbianism. Robyn
always talks about her god children because she is guilty she had none.
But no man would want Robyn. She has stainless steel teeth and would like
to chomp a dingus right in two if she could. Robyn says she does not hate
men, but she hates "mens, those smelly, farty, disgusting, fat, worthless

Robyn has many senile clients at Saint Simeon's Nursing Home where she rips
them off until they die. One day Robyn had to get her uterus ripped out so
she disappeared for 8 weeks. No one knew where she was, and her clients up
and died without Robyn knowing or caring. Any lawyer who neglects her
clients as does Robyn should not be allowed on the Tulsa Grievance
Committee. What happens when the old people's families complain about
lesbian Robyn to the committee? Robyn intercepts it and quashes it, of

Health care staff who are forced to work with Robyn hate her so much they
don't even call her a cunt or a kunt; they call her a HOLE.

Robyn's favorite expression is "If you want your licks, get them on Highway
66." - pretty raunchy for even an episcopalian lesbian.

Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
because she hates men.


Jun 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/26/97

On 25 Jun 1997 22:00:36 -0700, nob...@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)

>Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
>because she hates men.

>Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not....
ncorp sez...
A dingus? Do you mean a dick? A weiner? A schlong? A penus? If Ms.
Robyn Owens is actually the seasoned homosexist femiNAZI
muff-diver you say she is, then she’s got a closet full of her
very own personal *dinguses*, all colors, shapes & sizes, rest
assured! Why, she’s probably even wore the chrome off the tip of
her ol’ “Steely Dan” bi now... get it, *bi* now?
DJM -- noncorporate consultants

Jun 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/26/97

E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:

> I don't really care about your spurned love thing but I would like to
> say that out of respect to Brian Keith (from Family Affair) that the
> Family Affair, Buffy, her friend Mrs. Beesley, Al Hirt and the other
> kid with the red hair jokes pleased be held to a minimum for at least
> a week. He was one of my favorite guys and I still remember the first
> time I saw With Six You Get Eggroll. I'll only say that it was at a
> drive in. <sigh>

Al Hirt? You must mean Sebastian Cabot?



Jun 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/26/97

Anonymous wrote:
> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> because she hates men.
> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> because she hates men.

Hmmmmm..........................Me thinks you protest too much.
Hell hath no fury like the scorn of a spurned lover!

Message has been deleted


Jun 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/26/97

For starters, your REAL issue with this woman is clear. If she were so
patently unqualified, you wouldn't need to be worrying about her
alledged lesbianism, and certainly wouldn't define and describe her as
first (and foremost) a lesbian.

Perhaps she's not, but just pissed you off because she had the good
taste to tell you to get lost when you hit on her... just a possibility.

By the way, have you ever heard of Slander? Oh, wait - you were too
much the coward to sign your nonsense. Quite the adult, presumably
"man", that author.
-- =

John "Taylor" Yezeguielian
=A91997 John A. Yezeguielian - All Rights Reserved

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didn't do than by the ones you did Dream. =


- Mark Twain

E. Fitzgerald Smith

Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:04:27 -0500, Norma <>

>Anonymous wrote:
>> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
>> because she hates men.
>> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at her daddy's
>> law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and plays at being
>> in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to make Robyn
>> barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this good enough
>> Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".

Jol Silversmith

Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

In article <>, nob...@REPLAY.COM
(Anonymous) wrote:

> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> because she hates men.
> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not.


Says the coward who doesn't dare attach his name to his potentially
libelous post.

Jol Andrew Silversmith __________________________ ____________
Any opinions are my own, and should not be construed as legal advice, etc.

Terence P Higgins

Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

From article <>, by nob...@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous):
> Remove angry lesbian lawyer...etc

This has got to be the ugliest thing ever posted. Boy, I'm sure
glad I don't have to lug this person's "soul" around with me...
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine


Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

On 27 Jun 1997 12:37:37 GMT,
(Terence P Higgins) wrote:

ncorp sez...
You can say that again bub! That phuckin’ homosexist
muff-diver sure is one ugly butch ain’t she?! And you’re
right, she is getting a bit too fat lately... Yep, I
wouldn’t wanna cart her greasy mug around either —— that’d
be embarrasing!
And you can bet dollars-to-doughnuts that Jesus’ll blot
*your* name out of the Book of Life if you don’t REPENT from
your wicked homofagian ways Dr. Higgins!


Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

>On 25 Jun 1997 22:00:36 -0700, nob...@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)

>>Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance

Committee because she hates men (snippety SNIPE)

.... talk about a troll with an ax to grind........ I agree with
Norma's post, 'hell hath no fury like a spurned lover'!"


Ed D USA Ret

Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

My My My, I can't quite put my finger on it, (damn, I didn't mean that),
but there is something wrong there. You must be right Ms Rebecca, but
really, I know lots of people in Oklahoma and mostly in Tulsa, and it
surprises me they allow such an animal as portrayed by 'unnamed poster'
to even cross the border into Oklahoma. On the other hand, might be a
good idea to keep (what the hell is a neutral her?) close to that
committee cause I have a feeling lots of folks are going to have some
grievances real soon and might as well have her close.


Kim Elmore

Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

In article <>, ncorp <> wrote:
>On 27 Jun 1997 12:37:37 GMT,

From the mouth of a most pious Xtian comes:

>ncorp sez...
>You can say that again bub! That phuckin’ homosexist
>muff-diver sure is one ugly butch ain’t she?! And you’re
>right, she is getting a bit too fat lately... Yep, I
>wouldn’t wanna cart her greasy mug around either —— that’d
>be embarrasing!
>And you can bet dollars-to-doughnuts that Jesus’ll blot
>*your* name out of the Book of Life if you don’t REPENT from
>your wicked homofagian ways Dr. Higgins!
>DJM -- noncorporate consultants

Nothing like a bit of brotherly love, is there? I'll happily leave
it to the Most Holy Magnanimity to have my name removed from whatever book
yours might be in...

Kim (not so cowardly as to hide his name) Elmore
*My* opinions!


Jun 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/27/97

E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:04:27 -0500, Norma <>
> wrote:
> >Anonymous wrote:
> >>
> >> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> >> because she hates men.
> >>

> >> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at her daddy's
> >> law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and plays at being
> >> in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to make Robyn
> >> barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this good enough
> >> Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".
> >>
> I don't really care about your spurned love thing but I would like to
> say that out of respect to Brian Keith (from Family Affair) that the
> Family Affair, Buffy, her friend Mrs. Beesley, Al Hirt and the other
> kid with the red hair jokes pleased be held to a minimum for at least
> a week. He was one of my favorite guys and I still remember the first
> time I saw With Six You Get Eggroll. I'll only say that it was at a
> drive in. <sigh>

If you snip my quote, remove my name from the header as I did not say
any of the above. I think it is hatemongering rubbish.


Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

On 27 Jun 1997 19:50:49 GMT, (Kim Elmore)

ncorp sez...
Precisely to what *he* do you refer most venerable
one? Moi? A coward? I love you Kim! I adore you!
You’re so beautiful!
Now Looky here Kim: *Anybody* can get account data
and often much more on virtually *anyone* who
posts to these newsgroups! &You don’t have to be a
hacker (that’s supposedly illegal anyway). Cole
directories and green pages are supposed to
include such ISP info starting spring ’98, that’s
the quick&dirty way to nail the phucking bastard!
Skiptracers’ll be o.o.b.!! Hear that Mr. “Ben
Dover”? Stick that in yer li’l pipe & smoke it!

But for all us regular folks, start simply by
tracing their NNTP posting host back to their
remote host (fingerNIC), then (whois?) to retrieve
information about specific users on host, or you
might even try to get a complete list of all
currently logged-in users and look for common
times logged in vs. timestamps on posts in case
the user’s username isn’t readilly apparent,
unfortunately though, most hosts don’t allow empty
user fields any more. Of course, the remote host
must in any case support “finger” service for this
to work at all, most independent ISPs do. The Big
boys usually don’t, sadly enough. There are other
ways to deal with them....

Next, if you’ve gotten this far, once you’ve
identified the ISP and the perp’s username, if
that ain’t enough, try logging onto the host’s
domain HTTP, or better yet, FTP! Hopefully the
host will support anynomous users, this way you
can *explore* the server point&click (HTTP “site
maps” ain’t worth a phucking shit, usually), &ya
never know just *what* you might find...
pornography? Who killed JFK? Somebody’s phucking
boring vacation pics from Mazatlan?
Anyway, peek around for the *_user* directory.
More often than not, you’ll discover web pages in
many of these users’ _public directory(ies)! If
not, peak around a bit more. Often, you’ll also
discover other _private subdirectory names under
the user and/or under the server’s main and/or
admin directories which might actually identify
the user by initials or even their name (look for
little files in their root directory(ies), too,
for more information, since admins will typically
plant these little gems under each users’ root
directory for server id & logging purposes, and
when users FTP a few test web pages to their new
web site, sometimes these little id gems are
*copied* by the user into the *public* directory,
even if they’re hidden in the root——and even if
users don’t leave an index (web) page, look
anyway. Also, cancelled accounts usually take
several weeks or longer for admins to bother
wiping old account directories, sometimes months!

Now: If all *this* still hasn’t produced a *real*
*live* human beings birthname & locale, try
emailing the webmaster & tell ’em you’re....

Oops!! I’m afraid I’ve gotta stop there for legal
reasons... you fill in the blanks beautiful!!
Love & kisses,

E. Fitzgerald Smith

Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 16:25:09 -0500, Norma <>

Which quote was yours?


Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

ncorp sez...
Hi Norma! Haoz it hangin’ baby? Are you *sure* you
didn’t say that... well, I bet you were *thinkin’*
it, huh?
Anyway, a dingus? Does that mean a dick? A weiner?
A schlong? A penus? A bionic clit? If Ms. Robyn

Owens is actually the seasoned homosexist femiNAZI

muff-diver everyone says she is, then you can bet

she’s got a closet full of her very own personal
*dinguses*, all colors, shapes & sizes, rest
assured! Why, she’s probably even wore the chrome
off the tip of her ol’ “Steely Dan” bi now... get
it, *bi* now?

Have a nice phucking day :|


Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 16:25:09 -0500, Norma <>
> wrote:
> >E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:04:27 -0500, Norma <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Anonymous wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> >> >> because she hates men.
> >> >>
> >> >> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at her daddy's
> >> >> law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and plays at being
> >> >> in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to make Robyn
> >> >> barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this good enough
> >> >> Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".
> >> >>
> >> I don't really care about your spurned love thing but I would like to
> >> say that out of respect to Brian Keith (from Family Affair) that the
> >> Family Affair, Buffy, her friend Mrs. Beesley, Al Hirt and the other
> >> kid with the red hair jokes pleased be held to a minimum for at least
> >> a week. He was one of my favorite guys and I still remember the first
> >> time I saw With Six You Get Eggroll. I'll only say that it was at a
> >> drive in. <sigh>
> >
> >
> > If you snip my quote, remove my name from the header as I did not say
> >any of the above. I think it is hatemongering rubbish.
> > Norma
> Which quote was yours?

The one that said;

Me thinks you protest too much. Hell hath no fury like a lover


Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

ncorp wrote:
> =

> On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 16:25:09 -0500, Norma
> <> wrote:

> =

> >E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:04:27 -0500, Norma <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Anonymous wrote:
> >> >>

> >> >> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance =

> >> >> because she hates men.
> >> >>

> >> >> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at he=
r daddy's
> >> >> law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and play=
s at being
> >> >> in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to =
make Robyn
> >> >> barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this go=

od enough
> >> >> Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".
> >> >>

> >> I don't really care about your spurned love thing but I would like t=
> >> say that out of respect to Brian Keith (from Family Affair) that the=

> >> Family Affair, Buffy, her friend Mrs. Beesley, Al Hirt and the other=

> >> kid with the red hair jokes pleased be held to a minimum for at leas=
> >> a week. He was one of my favorite guys and I still remember the firs=

> >> time I saw With Six You Get Eggroll. I'll only say that it was at a
> >> drive in. <sigh>
> >
> >

> > If you snip my quote, remove my name from the header as I did not sa=

> >any of the above. I think it is hatemongering rubbish.
> > Norma

> ********************************
> ncorp sez...
> Hi Norma! Haoz it hangin=92 baby? Are you *sure* you
> didn=92t say that... well, I bet you were *thinkin=92*

> it, huh?
> Anyway, a dingus? Does that mean a dick? A weiner?

No I wasn't even . Sounds like you are a good candidate for rehab.


Jun 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/29/97

ncorp sez...
Hi Norma, it’s always so nice to hear from you,

Now I’m certainly no computer whiz, but is your
newsreader/OS set for handling the standard 437 US
ROMAN/1252 Latin-1 extended character sets? You seem to
have lost my typographer’s quotes somewhere in the
bloody mix... no doubt that’s not your fault. Hmmmmmm??
But rehabilitative therapy? Is that what “rehab” is
supposed to be an acronym for? You know Norma, the way
you’ve used this word *rehab* so casually in your above
sentence, it’s as though you’ve coined this term
before, and more than just a few times, yes?
Also, this curious little rehab reference invokes
visions in my mind of that old *Roach Motel* TV
commercial: “They check in, but they don’t check out!”
Ha! Ha! Have a nice day yokes, :)

E. Fitzgerald Smith

Jun 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/29/97

On Sat, 28 Jun 1997 23:16:04 -0500, Norma <>

>E. Fitzgerald Smith wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Jun 1997 22:19:30 -0500, Norma <>
>> wrote:
>> <snipped>
>> >> >
>> >> > If you snip my quote, remove my name from the header as I did not say

>> >> >any of the above. I think it is hatemongering rubbish.
>> >> > Norma
>> >>

>> >> Which quote was yours?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The one that said;
>> >
>> > Me thinks you protest too much. Hell hath no fury like a lover
>> >scorned.
>> > Norma

>> Oh.
>> Well, I've never believed that quote anyway.
>> You don't really believe that do you?
> It's pretty accurate.
> Norma

Well maybe the first time Norma. But when you've been dumped
as many times as I have you figure, why waste time being bitter?
You just learn to roll with it.

Sep 15, 2016, 11:11:54 AM9/15/16
On Wednesday, June 25, 1997 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Anonymous wrote:
> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> because she hates men.
> Robyn wishes she had a dingus, but does not. She hangs out at her daddy's
> law office with her dutiless brother who is not a lawyer and plays at being
> in the oil business. Daddy Owens is a control freak who used to make Robyn
> barrel race in rodeos, because "Daddy made me do it! - Is this good enough
> Daddy?" The office is known as the "Owens Family Affair".
> Remove angry lesbian lawyer Robyn Owens from the Tulsa Grievance Committee
> because she hates men.

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