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Linea Nigra?

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Jan 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/12/97

This is an odd question but I was wondering whether anyone had the same
experience. I am due in early May and have not developed the linea nigra
yet. I had it during my first pregnancy 3 years ago but I can't remember
when it developed. I realize this is of minimal concern but I'm wondering
why you would get it once but not again.


Barbara Schaeffer

Jan 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/12/97

I don't think I developed the linea negra til about the seventh month,
if that is of any help to you. Maybe it will still develope.

Dave & Colette

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97
to (ChrisH5064) wrote:
>This is an odd question but I was wondering whether anyone had the same
>experience. I am due in early May and have not developed the linea
>nigra yet. I had it during my first pregnancy 3 years ago but I can't
>remember when it developed. I realize this is of minimal concern but
>I'm wondering why you would get it once but not again.

I don't know why, but I had a slight one with my daughter and not even
a hint of one with my son. Don't remember when it developed with Amy.

Maybe it's a boy/girl thing? (not really)

Colette (mom to 2 beautiful homebirthed children, 2 year old Amy)
(and one week old Jake, who is nursing beautifully!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Nature can provide for the needs of people; [she] can't provide for
the greeds of people." - Mohandas K. Gandhi

Margaret M.

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

I never had one!

Margaret, mommy to Sean (19/8/94) and Alana (9/9/95)

L rose 42

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

I am due April 23, (my second child) and don't have a L.N. yet either.
I think I developed it about the 6th or 7th month when I was carrying my

Campbell James

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

Barbara Schaeffer wrote:

> ChrisH5064 wrote:
> >
> > This is an odd question but I was wondering whether anyone had the same
> > experience. I am due in early May and have not developed the linea nigra
> > yet. I had it during my first pregnancy 3 years ago but I can't remember
> > when it developed. I realize this is of minimal concern but I'm wondering
> > why you would get it once but not again.
> >
> > Debbie
> I don't think I developed the linea negra til about the seventh month,
> if that is of any help to you. Maybe it will still develope.
My wife has not got hers this time and she has only 5 weeks to go.


Jeff & Amy

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

I had one with both of my first 2 pregnancies, and didn't get one this
time. I thought maybe it was because I was finally having a girl, but US
showed that was a wrong assumption--boy #3 is on his way!

Stephanie Tibbetts

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

I am due May 13th and have had one for about a month. It is very light and I
am having a boy. I am VERY fair-skinned. Do you think that has something to
do with it?

Stephanie and Brandon
due 5-13-97

Jeff & Stefani Schultz

Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

The Linea Niagra is a result of the rectus muscle being stretched. I
have had three children so far and I have only had it show up with my
second child. The muscle finally stretched enough for the line to show
through. Maybe it won't show this time. The muscle may not be
stretched quite as tight this time around. You never know.

Mommy to Emily 2-26-91, Alex 4-3-93, Mackenzie 2-20-95 (and hopefully
many more!!!!)
Jeff & Stefani Schultz

Stephanie Tibbetts

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

Stefani Schultz wrote:

> The Linea Niagra is a result of the rectus muscle being stretched. I
> have had three children so far and I have only had it show up with my
> second child. The muscle finally stretched enough for the line to show
> through. Maybe it won't show this time. The muscle may not be
> stretched quite as tight this time around. You never know.

Hmmm...I've never heard that. Here's what I've read/heard:

Everyone has a line when not pregnant - it's called the linea alba, you just
can't see it. And when you become pregnant, the raging hormones cause the
"white" line to become pigmented in some women, thus causing the "white" or
invisible line to become darker, resulting in the linea nigra. This seems to
jive with other things I've read that say some women develop dark splotches
on their faces (called the "mask of pregnancy") caused by hormones also.
That could also explain why you don't get it with every child - hormones
levels could be different with every pregnancy.

Has anyone else read this?

Stephanie and soon to be Brandon
with a very faint linea nigra...

Fury III

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97
to (ChrisH5064) wrote:

>This is an odd question but I was wondering whether >anyone had the same
>experience. I am due in early May and have not developed >the linea
>yet. I had it during my first pregnancy 3 years ago but I >can't
>when it developed. I realize this is of minimal concern >but I'm
>why you would get it once but not again.


FWIW, I had one with #1, but not a hint this time, and I'm due in 4 weeks.

Ann (mama to Keith, 2/6/94, & ?, 2/22/97)

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