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Gender reveal party ends in tragedy as plane crashes in front of oblivious guests

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Leroy N. Soetoro

Sep 10, 2023, 6:05:32 PM9/10/23

According to a local news outlet, authorities found the pilot lying in the
wreckage of the plane after a concerned partygoer called for help

Paramedics rushed him to the hospital, where he died.

The tragic video has since gone viral and reignited the debate surrounding
gender reveals.

“These gender reveal parties are getting out of hand when people die
annually because of them,” slammed one X user.

“The way the camera panned back to the couple with not the slightest care
in the world for the pilot is sad,” wrote one disgusted user.

“For a moment I actually thought all the screaming was because they saw
the plane,” stated a third. “But no, it looks and sounds like only the
cameraman noticed (at least initially).”

Some X users also speculated about what caused the plane to suffer such a
stunning fate.

“Look carefully at the timing of the sudden upward movement, it exactly
coincides with the CO2 cannon firing on the ground,” argued one eagle-eyed
user. “It seems to me that the aircraft was literally blasted out of the

“Looks like structural fatigue caused that climb to barely pull enough g’s
to cause such a thing,” pointed out a second person, while a third said
the pilot “overstressed the wings.”

This is not the first time a gender reveal has gone horribly wrong.

In 2020, a celebration sparked a deadly wildfire in California that raged
across 10,000 acres of land.

Another couple came under fire when their “oh baby” sign sent torrents of
pink smoke and confetti into the air as several sparklers nearly ignited
the surrounding trees.

An Australian family set their car ablaze in 2019 thanks to special tires
designed to blow blue smoke to announce their baby’s gender.

The gender announcement tragedies led mommy blogger Jenna Karvunidis —
widely credited with “inventing” these types of celebrations — to
apologize for sparking the movement.

“Who cares what gender the baby is?” Karvunidis wrote in a viral July 2019
Facebook post.

“Assigning focus on gender at birth leaves out so much of their potential
and talents that have nothing to do with what’s between their legs.”

We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
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