What does this mean? That was over a week, my period is now late (but this
isn't very late and not too unusual)...I thought if not pregnant there would
be NO hCG in a woman's blood?
Can someone clarify, and also tell me when/if I should have my blood checked
again or should I just wait for my period to be very late and continue to
home test?
What could a result of 2 mean??
Just what your doctor said -- anything under 5 is considered negative. So a
2 would be negative. Now, since you had the hcg test done a week before
your period was due, you still conceiveably (pun intended) be pregnant.
Since your period is now a few days late, I'd buy a sensative home test,
like First Response Early Detection, Confirm, or EPT, and test again. That
should give you a more accurate answer, based on your cycle. If it's
negative now, then you did not conceive on this last cycle.
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It could mean a lot of things, most likely of which is that you may have
conceived but that the pregnancy isn't hanging around. This happens in 30%
of all pregnancies, but women don't even usually know they are pregnant
because it happens so early. Women going through fertility treatment test
so early that they know right away what their hCG levels are, and then when
they're not normal.
Do you want to be pregnant?
: I had some symptoms of pregnancy, but home tests were negative.. my symptoms
: included fainting so my doctor did a blood hCG test but it was performed
: about a week before I was supposed to miss a period. They told me it was
: negative and mentioned that 5 is the cutoff point they use for a negative
: and that my levels are 2.
You tested a WEEK before a missed period??!? That would have been less
than a week after you conceived, and probably BEFORE the egg implanted.
I would not trust ANY test done that early.
If you are at least two days past our period already, you can tell
reliably with a sensitive home pregnancy test.
Next time don't bother to test so early. It is a waste of time, money
and effort.
> Can someone clarify, and also tell me when/if I should have my blood checked
> again or should I just wait for my period to be very late and continue to
> home test?
> What could a result of 2 mean??
As othes have said, you don't need to wait until your period is very
late, just till it's due. A good home test should tell you.
The 2 means that pregnancy wasn't likely responsible for the symptoms
you were having. But you could still be pregnant, so if your period
doesn't show take a home test.
Most labs say under 5 is negative, not sure why that is.