I was tested for Group B strep and I am negative. I don't
have a yeast infection and haven't had one in years. I didn't
have to do this with my son and I know of no one else who
has had to to do it. It just seems really odd to me and I
have elected to not take it. Anyone else have no signs of
infection and was asked to take it or any reason why I
should worry about not doing it? It just seems weird.
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I'm with you on this Erika. This sounds wierd and unnecessary and I have
NEVER heard of this before. This sounds like something from a century ago
when they'd sterilize/shave a woman's genital area and abdomen before birth
with ether of alcohol. Even if you WERE Group Strep B positive this is not
the treatment for it.
Mom to 3(5,3,1) and one due in March
eah...@my-dejanews.com wrote in article
>Anyone else have no signs of
>infection and was asked to take it or any reason why I
>should worry about not doing it? It just seems weird.
I would flat-out ask your doctor why she's asked you to do this, as it
is not part of standard medical procedure. My bet is that you're being
made part of somebody's medical study.
This seems like a very strange request, and I would keep asking the
question until you get an answer that you feel comfortable with. I mean,
if you start feeling uncomfortable with your doctor's instructions now,
how are you going to feel during the actual birth if she says/does
something you don't feel comfortable with.
Just something to think about. Keep asking questions....
In article <6qm6he$ftu$1...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>, eah...@my-dejanews.com wrote:
>I am in the middle of something that I normally don't
>like doing. I am NOT doing what my doctor said. I went
>in to my prenatal appointment and she gave me vaginal
>inserts to insert at night for six days. I asked her
>why and she told me it is to make the vagina clean.
>She gave me a broad-spectrum antimycotic with fungicidal
>action and trichomonacide. The insert said "sanitation of
>the birth canal should be ensured during the last 4-6wks
>of pregnancy."
>I was tested for Group B strep and I am negative. I don't
>have a yeast infection and haven't had one in years. I didn't
>have to do this with my son and I know of no one else who
>has had to to do it. It just seems really odd to me and I
>have elected to not take it. Anyone else have no signs of
>infection and was asked to take it or any reason why I
>should worry about not doing it? It just seems weird.
t.r., mom to Torin (2 1/2 this week!)
Anyway, thanks for the reassurances that this isn't
some new fangled practice that I don't know about.
Stella and Elias due in august!
>Well, I did ask her why and she told me "to make
>the vagina clean."
Unless you have a vaginal infection, your vagina *is* clean; that's
why you have a mild discharge every day. Upsetting the chemical and
bacterial balance can lead to infection, not prevent it!
Do however consider that some forms of "vaginitis" do not have symptomes. I
would ask the doctor just what it is that she thinks you have. If there is
no medical reason, I would ignore her advice.
Jenn S.
eah...@my-dejanews.com wrote in message <6qpeg6$v3j$1...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
Run, don't walk to a different doctor. I would be concerned
that by destroying the normal flora in your vagina, the
treatment would make it more hospitable for undesirable
flora. This sounds not only unnecessary, but dangerous.
Especially since you have chosen not to follow her instructions. When
she gave them to you did she just say, "here do this"?? Or did she give
an explanation?
If it were me, I would also report to my health insurance carrier that
this physician is not given proper instruction when administering
medications. A big no-no in managed care!!