"Anna James" <> wrote in message
It tones the uterus. So when you hit labor the uterus functions more
Some other places sell a pregnancy tea as well that have other "teas" in
them that help with things like hemorrhage, iron, calcium etc...
> Anna
It's good for you because it has tons of calcium and vitamin C, and because
it has flavenoids that help to tone and prepare the uterus for childbirth.
Women drink it in the last trimester to shorten their labors and make the
labors easier. Dose is as many cups of tea as you would like- 3-4 cups a
day is not too much.
Meriwether, 4
Honour, 2
replace reply address with "mediaone dot net"
Can it cause premature labor? When it is it recommended you start taking
Jacqueline Anne 8/28/96
Jacob David 10/21/98
James or Jessica EDD 7/17/01
Pregnancy Journal:
"Anna James" <> wrote in message
> Add on to the OP question,
> Can it cause premature labor? When it is it recommended you start taking
> it?
Very controversial question, that. In Europe, where RRL tea is used
routinely and prescribed by a lot of midwives, use usually begins at
conception. They actually feel that it will prevent a miscarriage due to a
lax uterus, while encouraging the elimination of what otherwise might be a
"missed" miscarriage.
In the US, we err on the side of caution and basically don't do anything
that causes contractions at all. That's why most US midwives don't
recommend it until the last trimester. It won't *cause* premature labor,
though if you are already showing signs of preterm contractions I would of
course not advise it.
"Joanna Kimball" <> wrote in message
Soooooooooooo good.
>"Anna James" said:
due October 6, 2001
1st baby
* *.(\ *** /).* *
.* (\ (_) /) * .
.*. (_/ /\ \_) .*.
..* . /__\ . *..
angels for everyone!!
Nope. What the OP is referring to is Red Raspberry LEAF tea.
From the Blessed Beginnings Website
Red Raspberry Leaf: the best known and quintessential herb for pregnancy.
Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, it contains fragrine, an alkaloid, which
gives tone to the muscles of the pelvis and uterus. The benefits of this
toning action include: prevention of miscarriage and false labor, reduction
of pain during and after birth, production of more effective contractions
during labor and therefore a faster birth, and prevention of postpartum
hemorrhage or bleeding. Red Raspberry is also an rich source of vitamins A,
B complex, C, and E, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium,
phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients make it an excellent prevention
and treatment for anemia and leg cramps, as well as a beneficial remedy for
the reduction of morning sickness. The high mineral content also assists in
the production of breast milk.*
Michelle mom to Caleb (9-24-99)
Engaged to wed Lyle (4-29-01)
EDD (12-05-01)
To reply remove NO SPAM
mom to Kaylie (5) Noah (2) and ttc#3
> I just checked ebay for some raspberry leaf tea and in the description of one
> of the auctions it said it wasn't recommended for women less than 8 mos
> pregnant because of a risk of miscarriage? So, who's right? Im really curious
> because it sounds like something I'd be interested in taking.
Less than eight months sounds pretty overly cautious to me. I've been in
herbal circles for a couple of years now and "last trimester" is as cautious
as they get. Like I said, in Europe it's common to drink throughout
pregnancy, and many herbalists think it *prevents* miscarriage, not the
other way around. But in the US it's more common as a last-trimester and
nursing tea.
Is it some special raspberry or would the real raspberry do?
I mean...I have tons of raspberry bushes in my backyard and I was wondering
if I can just make tea with the leaves.
Joanna Kimball <> wrote in message
I got mine at Whole Foods store, if you dont have that, check out any natural
type food store. Dont remember if GNC carried it.
Joanna Kimball <> wrote in message
Melissa Reynolds <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
$40 a pound?? Wow. I will have to check our natural food stores, but I am
*sure* they weren't anything like that. I could get a pretty impressive package
for seventy-five cents (granted, the stuff is light). I think it was more like
$8.50 a pound.
We have a store called Whole Foods (may not be the same one) and my neighbor
calls it Whole Wallet :)
GNC (a health food and supplement store)
Whole Foods (an organic grocer)
Fresh Fields (also known as Whole Foods in some areas)... and my local
Safeway had the tea, too.
Visit Baby K Online --
It sounds like something I can safely use and will use.
Thank you!!!
Jacqueline Anne 8/28/96
Jacob David 10/21/98
James or Jessica EDD 7/17/01
Pregnancy Journal:
"shellydoo" <> wrote in message
| On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:22:30 GMT, in "Kandee
| Wright" <> wrote:
| >:)Add on to the OP question,
| >:)
| >:)Can it cause premature labor? When it is it recommended you start
| >:)it?
| >:)
| >:)
| >:)Thanks!
| i did a fair bit of research into rrl tea when pregnant with
| matthew... personally I found it helped me enormously... this is what
| I posted here before
| Repost:
| I have been to see a nautropath about Red Raspberry Leaf and she gave
| me
| this printout. My midwife also has said that there have been very
| successful studies to do with this herb.
| Reading this though, it is almost as if it is some kind of wonder
| drug.
| Erin said that she has taken it and it helped her, has anybody else,
| apparently, it has been around for centuries. I think I will start
| drinking
| from 28 weeks. I don't want to quicken my labour, (they are short
| enough
| now) I would like to tone the uterus though.
| I just thought it was worth sharing this when the properities of the
| herb
| are considered.
| "Raspberry leaf demonstrates effects similar to to those of the female
| hormone oestrogen. It is used to reduce the sever pains of childbirth
| and
| relaxes the uterus muscle. Mothers suffering from morning sickness
| have
| been give Raspberry leaf to help overcome the nausea and dizziness.
| It can
| be used to prevent miscarriage, to relieve labour pains and speed
| delivery.
| Raspberry leaf should be taken through the last three months or
| pregnancy.
| Raspberry leaf also relieves the afterpains of birth and can be used
| to
| strengthen, cleanse and enrich mothers milk.
| The discomfort of menstruation has sometimes been relieved with this
| Herb as
| well as checking excessive menstrual flow. It can also be used to
| treat
| urethral irritation.
| Raspberry leaf helps women who are trying to conceive. Prolonged use
| is
| said to improve a woman's complexion and may prevent hair from
| greying.
| Raspberry leaf is considered a tonic and restorative Herb for females.
| It
| is said to strengthen and tone the uterus and promote optimal hormone
| patterns during the course of pregnancy. Prepare a brew by infusing
| 30grams
| of dried leaves in 600 mls of boiling water. Cover the mixture, allow
| it to
| stand until cold then reheat before drinking.
| Raspberry leaf can also be used in a mouthwash or gargle for
| inflammations
| and infections of the mouth and throat and can be used in an eye bath
| for
| conjunctivitis."
| michelle - downunder in Tazmania
| --
| mum to melissa (13) martin (8)
| mitchell (2) and matthew 1.8.00