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Parents, Children Score Victory With Passage of Weldon Safe Vaccine Amendment

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Jan Drew

Jul 14, 2007, 2:07:58 AM7/14/07

Parents, Children Score Victory With Passage of Weldon Safe Vaccine

House Committee Approves Measure to Remove Mercury From Children's Flu Shots

WASHINGTON, July 11, 2007 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The House
Appropriations Committee today approved an amendment by U.S. Rep. Dave
Weldon, M.D. (R-FL) that prevents any taxpayer money from being used to
administer mercury-laced flu shots to children under three-years of age.
Added to a must-pass Labor Health and Human Services spending bill, Weldon's
measure would take effect for the 2008-2009 flu season, ensuring that
2007/2008 flu vaccination stockpiles will be adequate.

Today's vote is a victory for the health and safety of our youngest
children," said Weldon, who's been a long-time congressional leader on
vaccine-safety related issues. "Years of encouraging the CDC, vaccine
manufacturers, and public health officials to completely remove mercury from
all children's vaccines have failed. Adequately funding the increase of
mercury-free flu vaccines seems the only way to guarantee what is long
overdue and easily done."

In 1999, the Public Health Service, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and
vaccine manufacturers adopted a policy to remove thimerosal, a mercury
compound, from child vaccines. Though thimerosal has been removed from all
other routinely administered vaccines, the compound (50% mercury) still
remains in childhood flu shots. Over the past two years, the CDC has
significantly expanded the pediatric flu vaccine recommendations, resulting
in broader exposure of infants and children to mercury.

Mercury is a neurotoxin and is harmful to the developing central nervous
system of fetuses and infants. The EPA found that 1-in-6 infants are born
with a blood mercury level exceeding the level considered safe by the EPA.

"The last thing we should be doing is injecting these infants with mercury,"
stated Weldon. Earlier this year, Weldon and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
introduced bipartisan legislation, the Mercury Free Vaccines Act of 2007.
Among other things, that bill would phase out the use of all mercury
containing vaccines for pregnant mothers and infants by the 2008-2009 flu

"Today's amendment by Congressman Weldon is a great accomplishment and
brings us closer to finally getting mercury out of 'all' vaccines," said

Dave Weldon

CONTACT: Kurt Heath of Office of Representative Dave Weldon,+1-202-225-3671,

Web site:

Jul 17, 2007, 1:32:36 PM7/17/07

Notice that asking for voluntary mercury removal from vaccines
It was not until "adequate funding" was added that it may be achieved.

Which is more important? A child's health or corporate profits?
The drug industry, the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH have weighed in for


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