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OT: Help! Could he be teething already?!?

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Jun 19, 2004, 10:02:43 PM6/19/04
DS, who just turned 3 mos old, has been super crabby since yesterday. At
first I thought he was just overtired, since he is usually a great napper,
but skipped all of his naps yesterday. He took two of his naps today, but
didn't sleep as long as usual, and had a three hour crying marathon this
evening. After we got though that, I finally started to put the pieces
together, and am starting to think the poor little guy is teething. Besides
not sleeping, here are the symptoms I've noticed:

-He's been drooling a lot for about two weeks.
-For the past two days, he hasn't wanted his beloved pacifiers. Tonight, he
accepted one, but started chewing on it rather than sucking on it. He also
seems to want to chew on my nipple when we nurse and on my finger.
-Just tonight, I noticed four teensy-tiny little white spots on his
gums...maybe the size of a pinhead... right where I assume his molars should
be. When I touch them, they are raised and feel hard.

So, I called the clinic, and the nurse on call was basically no help. Since
it is the weekend and it isn't an emergency, she suggested calling back on
Monday to speak with my doctor. Grrr. A little advice on whether it could be
teething or what to do to make the little guy feel better would have been

Anyway, does this sound like teething to you experience moms and dads out
there? I've just been googling teething a bit, and the symptoms sound right
even if he is too young. Also, do babies ever get their molars first?
Everything I've read says the kiddos should get their front teeth in first.
Finally, any favorite teething remedies would be appreciated. We've tried a
frozen washcloth already, which didn't work, and I just sent DH out to the
store for a teething ring...

Thanks so much in advance!
Michelle and Owen 3/17/04

Not My Real Name

Jun 19, 2004, 10:16:25 PM6/19/04
> Anyway, does this sound like teething to you experience moms and dads out
> there? I've just been googling teething a bit, and the symptoms sound
> even if he is too young.

I don't know for sure whether he is teething or not, or whether he'll get
his molars first or not, but 3 months isn't necessarily that too young. My
DD got her first two teeth when she was just 4 months old, and I know there
have been other 3-month-olds to get them. It may take a while before the
teeth actually come through though (sorry, probably not what you wanted to

> Finally, any favorite teething remedies would be appreciated. We've tried
> frozen washcloth already, which didn't work, and I just sent DH out to the
> store for a teething ring...

DD was pretty good about teething, never really complained, aside from
waking frequently at night to nurse for a few days at a time, but she
enjoyed chomping on various teething surfaces. Tiny Love makes a little set
that has a teether in it with several plastic butterflies, and she liked
those a lot. There's also something called a bristle buddy (First Years, I
think), and that was a huge favorite. I thought it was also a good start
toward getting her used to brushing her teeth (which, fwiw, I started doing
with a soft baby toothbrush and just water, no toothpaste, at about 6 months
when she had several teeth). We have a couple of Sassy toys that made great
teethers -- one is the rainbow-colored fish, which has some different
textures on it, and the other is the set of letter links, which also have
various textures (and they're good for learning too). DD seemed to prefer
having something firm to chew on, so try different things.

Mommy to DD, 27 months
And Someone Due in February 2005

elizabeth emerald

Jun 20, 2004, 1:38:48 AM6/20/04

"Shelly" <> wrote in message

DS started teething probably just before 4 months & got his first teeth at
the beginning of 5 mths (sorry, you probably didn't want to hear it took so
long). he did get the usual sequence, but he did have bumpy gums all round
his mouth when they were about to pop through and i saw those little white
dots around his gums. i was told that when a tooth is about to pop through
they all become "active" and move around under the gums, so that could be
what you are seeing.

i tried all the recommended help to ease the discomfort for DS when he
started teething, but nothing worked for him except me rubbing his gums with
my clean finger. i later found wonderful homeopathic teething drops by
brauer natural medicine that work a miracle (everyone in mother's group
swears by them too see ) but that wasn't until he had alot of teeth
unfortunately. i don't know if it's available outside australia. paracetamol
never helped him in the slightest when he was teething.

there is a good thing about teething early - you get it over with pretty
quick. DS had the first 16 out of 20 teeth by 13 mths. and he is just
getting the last tooth (the 4th 2 year old molar) at 22 months.

good luck!
elizabeth (in australia)
DS - born 20-aug-02

"Anything lost can be found again, except for time wasted" -- Hilltop Hoods


Jun 20, 2004, 8:37:46 PM6/20/04

"Not My Real Name" <> wrote in message

Tiny Love makes a little set
> that has a teether in it with several plastic butterflies, and she liked
> those a lot. There's also something called a bristle buddy (First Years,
> think), and that was a huge favorite. I thought it was also a good start
> toward getting her used to brushing her teeth (which, fwiw, I started
> with a soft baby toothbrush and just water, no toothpaste, at about 6
> when she had several teeth). We have a couple of Sassy toys that made
> teethers -- one is the rainbow-colored fish, which has some different
> textures on it, and the other is the set of letter links, which also have
> various textures (and they're good for learning too). DD seemed to prefer
> having something firm to chew on, so try different things.
> --
> -Sara:)
> Mommy to DD, 27 months
> And Someone Due in February 2005

Thanks for the advice, Sara! We have the Sassy letter links...I'll try
letting him chew on one of those. DH picked up some teething beads last
night, and the little guy keeps trying to get them in his mouth, but they
are just too big. So far, only my finger is working.



Jun 20, 2004, 8:39:57 PM6/20/04

"elizabeth emerald" <> wrote in message

> i tried all the recommended help to ease the discomfort for DS when he
> started teething, but nothing worked for him except me rubbing his gums
> my clean finger. i later found wonderful homeopathic teething drops by
> brauer natural medicine that work a miracle (everyone in mother's group
> swears by them too see ) but that wasn't until he had alot of teeth
> unfortunately. i don't know if it's available outside australia.
> never helped him in the slightest when he was teething.
> there is a good thing about teething early - you get it over with pretty
> quick. DS had the first 16 out of 20 teeth by 13 mths. and he is just
> getting the last tooth (the 4th 2 year old molar) at 22 months.

Thanks for the advice, Elizabeth! We'll have to look for the teething drops
you recommended. Hope they sell them here in the US! And I sure hope we are
lucky enough to have teething over by 22 months like your little guy. ;)


elizabeth emerald

Jun 21, 2004, 7:29:57 PM6/21/04

"Shelly" <> wrote in message

i had a look for the website here & it's if that's
any help.

elizabeth (in australia)
DS - born 20-aug-02

"Old school don't mean I'm better, I'm just getting older" -- Bias B

Lora R

Jun 21, 2004, 8:56:51 PM6/21/04
Shelly wrote:
> DS, who just turned 3 mos old, has been super crabby since yesterday. At
> first I thought he was just overtired, since he is usually a great napper,
> but skipped all of his naps yesterday. He took two of his naps today, but
> didn't sleep as long as usual, and had a three hour crying marathon this
> evening. After we got though that, I finally started to put the pieces
> together, and am starting to think the poor little guy is teething. Besides
> not sleeping, here are the symptoms I've noticed:
> -He's been drooling a lot for about two weeks.
> -For the past two days, he hasn't wanted his beloved pacifiers. Tonight, he
> accepted one, but started chewing on it rather than sucking on it. He also
> seems to want to chew on my nipple when we nurse and on my finger.
> -Just tonight, I noticed four teensy-tiny little white spots on his
> gums...maybe the size of a pinhead... right where I assume his molars should
> be. When I touch them, they are raised and feel hard.


> Anyway, does this sound like teething to you experience moms and dads out
> there?


A similar thing happened to me. My son exhibited signs of teething at
3 months, and I didn't catch on until the first tooth popped through 2
weeks later. He got 2 teeth right away, and quickly added more. Now
he's 8.5 months old with 8 teeth. He only shows signs of teething for
a week or 2 before another tooth will pop through. Hopefully, if your
son is teething, he'll be fast at it! What helped my son was a dose
of tylenol before bed on the really bad nights, frozen or just damp
washcloths, rubbing the gum with my finger, and the other usual stuff
such as teethers.

Best of luck,


Jun 21, 2004, 10:49:57 PM6/21/04

"elizabeth emerald" <> wrote in message

> i had a look for the website here & it's if
> any help.
> --
> elizabeth (in australia)
> DS - born 20-aug-02

Thanks, Elizabeth! I'm going to check with our natural pharmacy in the
morning to see if they carry them here.



Jun 21, 2004, 11:04:49 PM6/21/04

"Lora R" <> wrote in message

> A similar thing happened to me. My son exhibited signs of teething at
> 3 months, and I didn't catch on until the first tooth popped through 2
> weeks later. He got 2 teeth right away, and quickly added more. Now
> he's 8.5 months old with 8 teeth. He only shows signs of teething for
> a week or 2 before another tooth will pop through. Hopefully, if your
> son is teething, he'll be fast at it! What helped my son was a dose
> of tylenol before bed on the really bad nights, frozen or just damp
> washcloths, rubbing the gum with my finger, and the other usual stuff
> such as teethers.

Thanks, Lora! I'm so glad I posted here and heard back from you ladies,
especially after my talk with our pediatrician's nurse this morning. Which
leads me to a little rant that will bring my post back on topic ;)...

I told the nurse I was calling because I thought DS was teething, and
Tylenol did not seem to be helping with the pain. I asked if there was
anything else I could give him, since he does seem to be in quite a bit of
pain some of the time, and it is making it difficult to get him down to
sleep. She didn't bother to ask me what his symptoms were, or why I thought
he was teething. She asked DS's age, and when I told her 3 months, she said
he was much too young for teething, that it would start until 7 months. Then
she asked if I was breastfeeding. I said yes, and she said, "Well, there's
your problem. He has a tummy ache. You've probably eaten something that
doesn't agree with him, like broccoli or strawberries or something spicy.
Just eat a bland diet for the next few days, and I'm sure it'll get better."



Jun 22, 2004, 8:54:35 AM6/22/04
I just wanted to let you know that it is possible that your DS is teething.
My DS started drooling and chewing on everything at about 2 months old. I
asked the doctor if it could be teething and he said that it probably wasn't
and that most babies don't start getting teeth until 6 months or so. I,
being the first time mom that I am, said ok. Two weeks later at 2 1/2
months old his two bottom teeth popped through. By the time he was six
months old he had all eight of his front teeth. I asked the doctor at his 4
month check up if there was something besides Tylenol that I could give him
and he suggested Motrin because he was old enough to have Motrin now. I
personally didn't have any luck with Motrin but I know others who have. We
also used oragel to help with immediate relief. I noticed if we put orajel
on he calmed down enough to get to sleep and once he was asleep he would be
ok for awhile. We wrapped an ice cube in a wet wash cloth and let him chew
on that for a few minutes at a time, it seemed to help a little bit. It was
a really tough time for us, hope it is better for you. Good luck.


"Shelly" <> wrote in message


Aug 2, 2018, 8:09:39 AM8/2/18
Teething in babies refers to the appearance of the first teeth through the gums of the baby. The way baby's teeth differs to a great extent which is why it is important to know all about teething so that you can offer your child every comfort while he/she is teething. Babies usually start teething at the age of 6 months. The process may, however, begin as soon as 3 months and may get as delayed as 12 months. The first teeth to appear are the lower front ones (also known as incisors), followed by the appearance of top two middle ones and then the ones on the side and back. The order is not strictly followed, though. The complete set of primary teeth, consisting of 20 teeth, appears by the age of 3 years. The permanent teeth start coming in at the age of 6 years.

For more on teething and simple steps to help relieve the discomfort associated with teething in babies, click the link below :)
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