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'Sweet' Days / Nights

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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

Jun 28, 2013, 10:26:32 AM6/28/13

- - -

Since I'm honest and open about the
challenges of dealing with the condi-
tion I've had for over 52 years, since
the age of 5, that being Insulinitis (old
name: type 1 diabetes), one might
get the impression that I seldom have
'sweet' days / nights (i.e., days / nights
in which my glucose levels are so wel-
come that ...

... my average glucose level for that
period is so low that one might feel joy-
ous about both lowered risks of long-
term complications -and- happiness
over not passing out -and- not suffer-
ing loss of cognizance -and not suffer-
ing a seizure -and- not suffering an
unconsciousness event).

- - -
sweet (definition 2a)
pleasing to the mind or feelings : agree-
able, gratifying -- often used as a gener-
alized term of approval <how sweet it is>
- - -

The past 48 hours have been that
way, as evidenced in detail below:

June 26, 2013

Time Glucose Insulin

8:00 am 67 6 Novolog, 22 Levermir
10:24 am 58
11:42 am 90 4 Novolog
2:03 pm 77
4:19 pm 53 4 Novolog
7:19 pm 50
8:33 pm 110 3 Novolog, 6 Levemir
10:16 pm 91

June 27, 2013

6:36 am 73 6 Novolog, 20 Levemir
9:20 am 62
11:42 am 102 3 Novolog
2:22 pm 115
4:25 pm 103 4 Novolog
7:22 pm 48
9:18 pm 123 3 Novolog, 6 Levemir

June 28, 2013

8:16 am 67 5 Novolog, 20 Levemir

So, average glucose level for the
last 48 hours has been 83, which
per the following data is equivalent
to an HbA1c level (had that trans-
pired over 2 months) of approxi-
mately 4.2

Of course, Dr. Richard Bernstein's
over 11% higher HbA1c calcula-
tions, I suppose that if that was
used, that's equivalent to an HbA1c
level of close to 4.7

I might add that my persistent effort-
ing to have low HbA1c and low glu-
cose levels, it certainly has an imper-
fect degree of success, though as
well-documented, the consequences
are, from time to time, highly risky
and most unwelcome.

The ideal, THE CURE, or short of
that, much-improved treatments to
deal with this condition, hopefully,
with the array of advancements cur-
rently being worked on, one day, some
way, we'll all have acceptable glucose
and HbA1c levels with minimal (or
ideally, no) risk of severe lows, every
moment of every day and night !

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - -
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
- - -

Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

Jun 28, 2013, 10:42:24 AM6/28/13

- - -

Follow-up: I neglected to include the
link to average glucose levels which
shows their relationship to HbA1c
levels, so I've included it here, and
in the appropriate locale in the pre-
vious post:
(link I mistakenly left off
of previous post)

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

Jun 29, 2013, 7:33:39 PM6/29/13

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Follow-up 2:

- - -

Unfortuately, this morning, awoke with 171
glucose level. Gave what had in the past
worked well, insulinwise. Next test, 98, and
ate but lost cognizance before I could test
again. Lost cognizance 'til after 5:00 pm, so
I suppose I was unconscious for most of the
day. So, today the 3rd severe low in June.

Month-by-month report, from November, 2011
'til now, severe lows which included loss of or
severe reduction in cognizance followed by
unconsciousness (in most instances) :

June, 2013 -- 3 (thus far)
May, 2013 -- 1
April, 2013 -- 5
March, 2013 -- 4
February, 2013 -- 1
January, 2013 -- 1

December, 2012 -- 2
November, 2012 -- 1
October, 2012 -- 0
September, 2012 -- 1
August, 2012 -- 2
July, 2012 -- 1
June, 2012 -- 0
May, 2012 -- 2
April, 2012 -- 1
March, 2012 -- 2
February, 2012 -- 0
January, 2012 -- 0

December, 2011 -- 0
November, 2011 -- 1

- - -


Jul 1, 2013, 8:16:28 AM7/1/13

And the roller coaster continues merrily on its way.

John Williamson

Jul 1, 2013, 11:11:40 AM7/1/13
vitty guy wrote:
> And the roller coaster continues merrily on its way.

I suspect he either enjoys the thrill of not knowing whether the next
hypo will be his last, or he's just attention seeking.

Tciao for Now!

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