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Brec Bassinger Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary of Insulinitis Diagnosis

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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

Jan 23, 2018, 11:48:47 PM1/23/18

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Insulinitis (new name/definition created in
2010 for the near-total to total loss of
endogenous insulin)

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Highlights from the following [two clarifying
inserts added regarding her quote at the end
of the article]:

o Brec Bassinger website

o Brec, 18-years-old, got Insulinitis on
January 22, 2008, age 8

o In the picture, she displays a Dexcom CGM
insertion site on her right arm, a device
she refers to as "my super cool Dexcom
connected to my arm."

The large-size adhesion around the inser-
tion, not the standard adhesion, so to
make sure the Dexcom stays on, she added
a large-size adhesion stick-on - myself,
when my standard adhesion starts showing
signs of coming loose, I typically use ...

... small adhesion strips to try to keep
it on - that usually happens sometime
during the 2nd week after a sensor inser-
tion. As I've previously mentioned, I've
tried attaching the sensor to my left arm
twice, but it failed both times, so I've ...

... stayed with my abdomen insertion for
all but those 2 tries on my left arm.

o Intriguing quote from the article:

"As with any battle, there are ups and downs,
and every anniversary brings about those same
conflicting emotions. As weird as it may seem
to celebrate a disease, I do. I celebrate ...

... the person it has made me. The people I've
connected with because of it. And I celebrate
that it is one year closer to a cure."

o She continues ... "I like to tell people I'm
a robot (and they believe it too). I never
wanted anything connected to my body because
it was open proof that I was different, but
I am different. We all are. EMBRACE YOUR
DIFFERENCES. But you heard it here first, ...

... one day diabetes [hopefully, both the
diabetes/diabetic word -and- the actual
condition of Insulinitis that Brec and I
have] will not be one of my [our] differences
#typeonetypenone Xo."

o My Insulinitis, diagnosed in March, 1961, I
don't know if my dad has a record of the exact
date, but if he does, I'll have to start cele-
brating that (and cursing that :-) in a manner
similar to Brec (although Brec didn't mention ...

... any cursing, but it's very likely that
there are many times when she's as inclined
towards that as I am multiple times each day
& night).

The article referenced above:

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January 23, 2018
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*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, Insulitis Islit
(Islit, the abbreviation for Insulinitis)
since age 5 (March, 1961), promoting the
replacement of all of the outdated ancient
confusing misleading diabetes / diabetic ...

... words and phrases and the confusing
reactive hypoglycemia phrase with new
superior clarifying nonconfusing nonmis-
leading words and phrases and definitions
which were first proposed in 2010:

Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst

C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation

Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments

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