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Study warns of 'irreversible transition' in ocean currents that could rapidly freeze parts of North America

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Job Bautista

Aug 6, 2021, 2:15:54 AM8/6/21
Story's summary:

- If the current system collapses, it would lead to dramatic changes in
worldwide weather patterns.
- If this circulation shuts down, it could bring extreme cold to Europe
and parts of North America.
- "It’s one of those events that should not happen, and we should try
all that we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible."

Job Bautista

An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
userscripts and bash scripting.

I like Cyndaquil. He's obviously the best Pokemon starter. Every Johto
Pokemon is cool too.
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